On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 10:39 AM, Rick Archer <r...@searchsummit.com> wrote:

>   From a friend:
> Rick,
> You may want to forward this to any friends who might be tempted into this
> scam.
> Thanks,
> Sharon
> ------ Forwarded Message
> *From: *Bart Walton <bartwal...@hotmail.com>
> *Date: *Wed, 3 Mar 2010 19:16:05 -0800
> *To: *Bart Walton <bartwal...@hotmail.com>
> *Subject: *Financial Scam - Beware
> If you are asked to contribute to a financial "trading platform",
> ultimately to be used for the benefit of the T.M. Movement, don't get
> involved. I've been told from a reliable source that this is a scam. The
> meditators involved in the fund raising are sincere and honest. But the next
> tier of operators are scam artists and the money is going into a black hole.
> Beware!
> If you want to donate to the Movement, please make your contributions
> directly to MUM, your local center or some other branch of the Movement
> directly. But not through anyone involved in a mysterious financial deal
> that promises huge returns.
> Thank you, BW
I can see!  I can see!  Lordy, Lordy, Hallelujah I can see!

Contributing money to a "trading platform" to benefit the TMO is putting
money into a black hole.  Contributing directly to MUM, my local center
(which doesn't exist) or some other branch of the Movement directly is not
putting money into a black hole.  All the money goes for education and God's
Good Works and there's total transparency and accountability.

I can see!  I can see!  Lordy, Lordy, Hallelujah I can see!

Thanks, Rick.  I needed that.

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