TurquoiseB wrote:
> For those who are interested, here's a link to the
> IMDB users' poll results -- who film freaks think
> will win the major awards in Sunday's party. IMDB
> users tend to be pretty savvy, and I agree with 
> pretty much all of their picks here except one. 
> Given all the behind-the-scenes machinations and
> posturing re "The Hurt Locker" (rumors of a system-
> atic smear campaign against it, and then when its
> producer sent an email to Academy Members urging
> them to ignore the smear campaign, banning him 
> from the ceremony), I think that Best Director
> might very well go to Kathryn Bigelow. I think that
> "Avatar" is still going to win for Best Picture,
> though.
> http://www.imdb.com/features/rto/2010/poll/oscarpoll-results
> Personally I think that "Up In The Air" should beat
> out "District 9" for Best Adapted Screenplay, but
> that's about the only possible surprise of the night.
> "Avatar" is pretty much a lock for Best Pic, and the
> others have "popular appeal" going for them.

I never watch these awards shows or maybe just a few minutes of them.  
They seem like extended high school graduation ceremonies.  The Oscars 
are more about the financials than art.

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