> What fun... 
So, you're going back to Sante Fe, NM.

> Then I get to go to a place I have never been before,
Deadwood, SD?

> The upshot of today's wins is that I get to go on a 
> Road Trip. Cool. I haven't been on an extended Road
> Trip in far too long.
> And the best part of this one is that I get to do a
> Castanedan "recapitulation" on part of it. I get to
> go back to a place where I spent many formative years,
> a place I thought I might never see again. What fun.
> Walking the same streets, X number of years on. Seeing
> them with eyes that have aged and physically grown less
> sharp but have hopefully grown psychically more sharp
> with the passage of time.
> Getting to see what the place is *like* these days, 
> and in doing so getting to see what I am *like* these
> days. Will I see it differently? Will I see it as
> essentially the same? Both will tell a story.
> Then I get to go to a place I have never been before,
> except while Driving Through. It's a major city, world-
> wise, but I've never really "done" this city. This
> presents other Road Trip challenges. 
> What fun.

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