The collected videos of Peter Sinclair's excellent "Climate
Denial Crock of the Week" series:

All videos at link:   [greenfyre_wordpress_com]

MYTH: Stolen CRU emails "prove" (Insert lie/fable)

Smacking the Hack Attack

MYTH: Fighting climate change hurts the poor

"Denial was a River in Africa"

MYTH: The Medieval Warm Period proves climate change is natural (and the
"Hockey Stick" is broken Myth)

"The Medieval Warming Crock"

MYTH: The EPA censored scientist Alan Carlin

"Creepy at the EPA"

MYTH: Arctic ice is recovering

Polar Ice Update:
climate-denial-crock-of-the-week/#polar>  Arctic Perennial Ice and

"Ice Area vs Volume"
climate-denial-crock-of-the-week/#ice> : Debunking the "Ice is back
to 1979 levels" idiocy (see also here)

MYTH:  The climate models are unreliable

This Year's Model
climate-denial-crock-of-the-week/#this> : Climate models and modeling

MYTH: Climate change is good for plants and crops

Don't it make my Green World Brown
climate-denial-crock-of-the-week/#dont> : CO2 and plant growth

MYTH: Water vapour, not CO2 is driving climate change

The Big Mist Take

MYTH: CO2 is not driving climate change

Sense from Deniers on CO2? Don't hold your breath….

MYTH: The "lag" shows CO2 does not cause climate change

The "Temp leads Carbon" Crock

MYTH: Climate change ended in 1998 aka decade of cooling

"1998 Revisited"

Party like it's 1998

MYTH: Scientist Mojib Latif predicts decade of a decade of cooling

"Birth of a Climate Crock"

MYTH: Sea levels are not rising, or not like they said

All Wet on Sea Level rise

MYTH: 30,000 scientists signed a petition

The great Petition Fraud
climate-denial-crock-of-the-week/#great> :

MYTH: Other planets warming prove it's the sun

Mars Attacks!!

MYTH: Weather stations are unreliable

Watts Up With Watts?
The "Urban Heat Island" Crock

MYTH: They were predicting global cooling in the 1970s

"I Love the 70s!!"
climate-denial-crock-of-the-week/#love> : CAUTION: may contain disco
music  [;-)]

MYTH: It's a natural 1500 year cycle

That 1500 Year Thing

MYTH: "The Hockey Stick" is broken

Medieval Warming?
climate-denial-crock-of-the-week/#medieval>  (& the Hockey Stick)

MYTH: It's the Sun &/or Sunspots

Solar Schmolar
climate-denial-crock-of-the-week/#solar> : Debunking the "It's
the Sun" fable

MYTH: A cold day in ____ proves climate change isn't happening

"It's cold. So there's no Climate Change"

You can subscribe to Peter's Youtube Channel at YouTube –
greenman3610 <>  and get them
hot off the editor.

Smacking the Hack Attack <>

The Big Mist Take

"Birth of a Climate Crock
<> "

"1998 Revisited" <>

"Denial was a River in Africa"

"The Medieval Warming Crock"

Creepy at the EPA <>

Watts Up With Watts? <>

The latest development:

  Climate Crock of the Week: What's Up with Anthony Watts [take 2]

"The video has since been reviewed by a number of US copyright
experts and (big surprise) there appears to be nothing that could be
construed as anything but fair use."

Global warming denier uses the DMCA to silence a critic

Well, the video must have been really on target — it stung Anthony
Watts so badly that he initiated a DMCA "takedown" action and
got the "Watts Up With Watts" video removed from!

Global Warming Stopped in 1998
Polar Ice Update <>

This Year's Model <>

Don't it make my Green World Brown

Sense from Deniers on CO2? Don't hold your breath….

Party like it's 1998 <>

The "Temp leads Carbon" Crock

All Wet on Sea Level rise:

The great Petition Fraud

Debunks the Oregon Petition, source of the bogus claim that (variously)
17,000, 30,000, 60,000 etc "scientists have signed a petition saying
climate change is not real etc. See alsothe Oregon Petition for more

Mars Attacks!!

Debunks the fable that the fact that some other planets are experiencing
warming somehow proves that the cause for Earth's warming is
therefore natural.

"The "Urban Heat Island" Crock"

"I Love the 70s!!" CAUTION: may contain disco music  [;-)]  
Remixed as "Climate Deniers Love the 70s! — The Remix"

Solar Schmolar: Debunking the "It's the Sun" fable

"Ice Area vs Volume": Debunking the "Ice is back to 1979
levels" idiocy (see also here)

Myth: "It's cold. So there's no Climate Change":
Debunking the "It was cold in …." Fable (see also here)

That 1500 Year Thing

You can subscribe to Peter's Youtube Channel at YouTube –
greenman3610 <>  and get them
hot off the editor.\

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