On Mar 14, 2010, at 6:10 AM, cardemaister wrote:

> As we all hopefully know, according to YS there
> are several stages of samaadhi, at least:
> - savitarka
> - nirvitarka
> - savicaara
> - nirvicaara
> - saananda
> - saasmitaa
> - nirbiija
> - dharma-megha
> According to Taimni, those are all, save nirbiija and 
> dharmamegha, saMprajñaata.
> Between most of them, up to saasmitaa, is an asaMprajñaata
> stage of samaadhi, or stuff.
> So, why couldn't there be stages of caturthaH praaNaayaamaH?

The reason it's called the "fourth" is because there are three stages before it!

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