Where DOES he get those cute little vests...and, you gotta love that beard!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <r...@...> wrote:
> Consciousness and the Now
> by Gautam Sachdeva 
>   <http://gautamsachdeva.com/images/Gautam.jpg> OH, East is East, and West is 
> West, and never the twain shall meet,
> Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God’s great Judgement Seat;
> But there is neither East nor West, Border, nor Breed, nor Birth,
> When two strong men stand face to face, tho’ they come from the ends of the 
> earth!
> --Rudyard Kipling
> -Rudyard Kipling 
> Over the years, I have invariably been asked for details of the encounter 
> between the two spiritual Masters, Ramesh Balsekar and Eckhart Tolle. It’s 
> human nature; our curiosity is aroused; we want to know what exactly happens 
> when two Masters meet. Is it any different from when two ordinary people 
> meet? Does something happen at an energetic level? What was the feeling like 
> in the room? These are some of the questions that have come my way. It was 
> only recently (eight years later!), that it occurred to me to pen my thoughts 
> regarding that meeting which took place in 2002.
> But first, some background to place the meeting in context.
> In 2000, the publishing company Yogi Impressions was born. I actually had no 
> intention to enter the publishing business. It was just that we had a hard 
> time finding an appropriate publisher for my mother’s book on her visual 
> experience of the awakening of the Kundalini. We finally decided to 
> self-publish her book; my background in advertising gave me the confidence as 
> I was familiar with the process of designing and printing. After we brought 
> out her book, we had no plans to publish any more books.
> My journey with Eckhart and Ramesh started, almost simultaneously, around 
> this time. We soon found ourselves publishing Eckhart’s and Ramesh’s 
> books. The next two titles we brought out were The Power of Now (Indian 
> edition), and Ramesh’s bookThe Ultimate Understanding.
> My sister Nikki had read The Power of Now around the time it had just 
> released in the West. The book had a tremendous impact on her and she met 
> Eckhart, almost immediately, when she was in Vancouver on a business trip. 
> She was keen to bring Eckhart’s message to India and we ended up publishing 
> the Indian edition of the same, through a series of synchronistic events. 
> Eckhart had mentioned to Nikki early on that “The Power of Now will be the 
> beginning of an adventure for Gautam.” Thanks to him, and the success of 
> his books, we were soon able to publish books of some other spiritual masters 
> as well. On a personal level, during my life’s spiritual journey, I have 
> had the good fortune of meeting some wonderful beings, over the years, whom I 
> would not have normally met had it not been for spiritual publishing. Eckhart 
> was right - it was the start of an adventure that still continues. With 
> Ramesh, his editor at the time informed me he was looking for a publisher to 
> bring out his new book. I said that, although I did not have much experience 
> as such in publishing, I would be more than happy to help though they 
> probably would be better off with an experienced publisher. Nevertheless, a 
> meeting was arranged with Ramesh. The first question he asked me was if I had 
> read any of his earlier books. I was in a spot! A bit embarrassed, I 
> hesitatingly replied, “None!” I thought that was the end of that - I 
> would politely be shown the door. To my surprise, Ramesh burst out laughing 
> and said, “Then you’re perfect for the job!” This immediately endeared 
> me to him and I heaved a sigh of relief. 
> Thus began my journey in publishing. I soon found myself also donning the hat 
> of spiritual publisher.
> In those early years, I was fortunate to develop an intimate relationship 
> with Ramesh as well as Eckhart. I met Eckhart on numerous occasions during 
> his retreats across the world and also spent time, a few days before and 
> after the retreats, with him. With Ramesh, I had no idea I would end up 
> sitting at his feet for almost ten years and that he would become a 
> father-figure to me and the biggest influence thus far in my life. For his 
> teaching was a validation of my life experience.
> It was with this background that, when Eckhart travelled to India in 2002 and 
> visited Mumbai, I thought it would be wonderful if I could get the two of 
> them together. After all, I found my life situation looking like the Caduceus 
> of Mercury, the staff with two snakes wrapped around it in the form of a 
> double helix. For destiny had intricately woven these two extraordinary 
> beings and their teaching around me. I was quite excited and asked Ramesh if 
> he would like to meet Eckhart, and he readily offered an evening invitation 
> to tea.
> Now, Ramesh used to enjoy having a dig at various teachers or, rather, their 
> teaching. Especially those who had written books! It was simply part of his 
> programming. And at the age of about eighty-five then, he had the conviction 
> of his life’s experience behind him, and the authority of a wizened master 
> of Advaita taking up after his guru Nisargadatta Maharaj. Ramesh’s position 
> was clear: All there is, is Consciousness. And so, when the pleasantries were 
> over, the flagbearer of Consciousness wasted no time.
> Once we were seated, Ramesh asked Eckhart to explain the very first line in 
> The Power of Now: ‘You are here to enable the divine purpose of the 
> universe to unfold. That is how important you are!’ 
> Ramesh looked squarely at Eckhart and raised the point that the ‘you’ was 
> nothing more than a three-dimensional object through which Consciousness 
> functioned. So, how could a three-dimensional object be ‘important’? In 
> his satsangs, when asked a question along the lines of ‘What is the purpose 
> of life?’ Ramesh would answer, “Who wants to know? A three-dimensional 
> object? An object can never know the will of the Creator-Subject.” Ramesh 
> went on to tell Eckhart that if, on the other hand, Eckhart was addressing 
> the Consciousness, then Consciousness needn’t be told how important It is.
> What was happening was clear. In order to drive home his point, Ramesh had 
> taken Eckhart’s words and placed them in the context of his own teaching. 
> Initially, Eckhart tried to explain his perspective but Ramesh did not give 
> him a chance. Consciousness’s star advocate would have none of it for he 
> was uncompromising in his concepts of the philosophy of Advaita. What 
> happened at this juncture was a privilege to witness, as the greatest show on 
> earth had begun.
> Eckhart was very quick in realizing that this line of conversation would not 
> go anywhere, and there was no point in even attempting to say anything at 
> this stage. He dropped all further attempts to explain his point of view and 
> slipped into silence. Some visitors in the room were trying to defend Eckhart 
> for, in their eyes, Ramesh was not being ‘fair’. But Ramesh saw that 
> Eckhart had dropped all resistance to what he said; in fact he wondered aloud 
> why others were getting agitated when Eckhart wasn’t! In that moment, 
> seeing Eckhart looking at him in stillness, it was as if Ramesh picked up the 
> cue. Looking at Eckhart, he launched into what was to be one of the most 
> lucid deliveries of his teaching. In half an hour, and without the slightest 
> interruption, Ramesh, in a non-stop monologue, covered all his concepts of 
> Advaita. It was clear that Ramesh launched this monologue for he saw that 
> Eckhart was sitting across him like an empty vessel - totally present in the 
> moment. Sitting on the sofa across both of them, I witnessed what Ramesh 
> would say was, “Consciousness speaking through one instrument and listening 
> through another.” I also remember the thought arising that I did not see 
> Eckhart look to the left or the right, or get distracted â€" like when you 
> listen to someone for the sake of listening when actually your mind is 
> dancing the jig elsewhere. He was totally ‘here’, eyes fixed on Ramesh, 
> right till the end of this one-on-one satsang. It was clear that there was 
> much more transpiring between Ramesh and Eckhart in that exchange than what 
> we were witnessing. It seemed like a communication at many levels. I also 
> remember thinking that had it been someone else in Eckhart’s place, perhaps 
> this would have never happened as the person would have relentlessly defended 
> his position and gotten into a conceptual debate. This I had seen happen a 
> few times at Ramesh’s satsangs.
> What impacted me most was how both of them were shining examples, living 
> embodiments, of their respective teaching. Ramesh was being who he was, his 
> natural self. He did not care what others in the room thought of his initial 
> stance that could have been perceived as aggression. Thereafter, once 
> Consciousness’s divine robot saw that there was someone across him who was 
> willing to listen, the entire teaching flowed through him like the Ganga in 
> spate. And Eckhart comfortably slipped into the ‘Now’ in order to let 
> events play themselves out. Or did the Now slip into him?
> For me, this indeed was the greatest show on earth. It was the show of two 
> people simply being themselves; something as simple as that. I recently came 
> across a chapter titled ‘When Two Masters Meet’ in Mooji’s book Before 
> I Am. Mooji is a western teacher of non-duality (Advaita). In this chapter, 
> when asked what happens when two Masters meet, he replies: “We entertain 
> all kinds of fanciful notions that some cosmic shift should happen, like 
> bringing two magnets together, and this is nonsense. There are no two masters 
> meeting. What is the difference between the space in this room and the space 
> in the kitchen? None at all.”
> This is so true. Once Ramesh had said what he needed to say, some of us 
> (including me!) heaved a sigh of relief when the tea and snacks were brought 
> in. While having our tea, some voices were heard whispering, “How could 
> Ramesh be like that? What an ego that man has!” Others were saying, “Why 
> didn’t Eckhart give it back to Ramesh?”… and so on. The joke was that 
> all this judging was happening as far as the rest of us, besides Ramesh and 
> Eckhart, were concerned. It was we who were carrying the ‘happening’ in 
> our heads after it was over â€" the two of them looked the least bothered. Of 
> course, this reaction some of us had was meant to be, for our framework of 
> daily living is separation - ‘me’ and the ‘other’ - and all 
> judgements arising consequently. After the tea, we had a merry time taking 
> pictures together, exchanging hugs and laughter, and then I left with Eckhart 
> and the group. I remember that while we were waiting below for the car, 
> Eckhart laughed and just said, “Indian gurus talk a lot!”
> Just before I sat down to write this article, I was reminiscing on this 
> meeting with Ramesh’s brother, Chaitan, who was also present at that 
> meeting then. His first comment was, “I have no idea why my brother started 
> out in that way when he was actually looking forward to meet Eckhart. 
> Nevertheless, it looked to me that others were more upset than Eckhart 
> himself, at my brother’s remarks.” As Chaitan had pointed out earlier in 
> our conversation, the difference in the two teachings was that Ramesh was 
> clear that the ego is not the doer (God is the only doer), whereas Eckhart 
> was telling the ego to ‘do’ something â€" his basic teaching being about 
> what the ego can ‘do’ to bring itself into harmony with the peace and 
> presence of the Now. He compared it with two distinct and separate paths of 
> dwaita (duality) and advaita (non-duality), which eventually lead to the same 
> destination. 
> Over the years, I met some seekers who visited Ramesh who would say, “Oh, 
> but Eckhart tells you there is something for you to do.” After this 
> statement, they would invariably compare the two teachings. But, how could 
> you compare apples to oranges? It was missing the point. Both paths are like 
> railway tracks â€" they will never come together but will eventually reach 
> the same destination. Liberation! This is what Chaitan was referring to. 
> It’s just that some people resonate with one teaching, and some people with 
> another. In India, these two distinct traditions have respectfully existed 
> side by side for ages.
> Ultimately, each individual gravitates to the teaching that resonates deep 
> within him. And that’s the reason why the philosophy of pure Advaita, as 
> expounded by Ramesh, would not be popular â€" not many egos like being told 
> they are not the doers! So, a teaching like Eckhart’s works with the 
> masses, who understand being told there is something they can ‘do’ to 
> improve their life situation â€" simply because life’s conditioning is 
> based on doership. In fact, in India, it has always been the case that Dwaita 
> was the teaching given to the masses, while Advaita was taught to the few 
> whose nature it appealed to. I used to quip that the money generated by us 
> from publishing Eckhart’s books was helping us produce Ramesh’s! Indeed, 
> life is stranger than fiction. 
> On the other hand, I came across innumerable people who were fans of both 
> Ramesh and Eckhart, and found similarities in the teachings. I could 
> understand what they were referring to, in spite of the paths being 
> different. Being grounded in Ramesh’s teaching, I could truly understand 
> Eckhart’s. If, as Ramesh would say, everything is God’s Will, then there 
> is a ‘total acceptance of what is’. ‘Total acceptance of what is’ is 
> equivalent to ‘being in the Now’. The ‘Now’ being Vertical Time 
> (‘what-is’), and not the involvement in horizontal time 
> (‘what-should-be’).
> Both teachings eventually bring you to the same spot: the ‘I Am’ - 
> impersonal awareness of Being. Ramesh’s teaching addresses the ego (the 
> ‘me’) and exposes the fraud of doership, thus pointing towards impersonal 
> functioning in the waking state, without involvement of the ‘me’. 
> Similiarly, Eckhart’s teaching brings you to the ‘I Am’, the Conscious 
> Presence â€" the Now. I was hardly surprised to find out that Nisargadatta 
> Maharaj’s bestselling spiritual classic I Am That was on Eckhart’s 
> recommended reading list. In fact, one would be right to consider Eckhart as 
> a teacher in the non-dualist tradition.
> The other day, my friend Heena was wondering aloud whether to get two current 
> day Advaita teachers together at her residence, when she found out that they 
> would be in town at the same time. I looked at her and found myself saying, 
> “Are you sure about that?!” She looked perplexed and asked why, and so I 
> gave her a shorter version of the events that had transpired when Eckhart met 
> Ramesh. At the end of it, she said that she thought there was a beautiful 
> learning in the encounter. Although I had begun writing about it, that remark 
> of hers is what sealed it and I decided to complete what I was writing. She 
> asked if I would ever get two Masters together again, and I found myself 
> laughing. I looked at her and said, “I don’t know!” 
> But what I do know is that Kipling’s words ring true: There is neither East 
> nor West, Border, nor Breed, nor Birth, when two strong men stand face to 
> face, tho’ they come from the end of the earth! The greatest strength, of 
> course, being spiritual strength.
> --Life Positive magazine, February 2010 
> http://gautamsachdeva.com/writing8.shtml

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