Historians on Tuesday criticized proposed revisions to the Texas social studies 
curriculum, saying that many of the changes are historically inaccurate and 
that they would affect textbooks and classrooms far beyond the state's borders.

The changes, which were preliminarily approved last week by the Texas board of 
education and are expected to be given final approval in May, will reach deeply 
into Texas history classrooms, defining what textbooks must include and what 
teachers must cover. The curriculum plays down the role of Thomas Jefferson 
among the founding fathers, questions the separation of church and state, and 
claims that the U.S. government was infiltrated by Communists during the Cold 

Because the Texas textbook market is so large, books assigned to the state's 
4.7 million students often rocket to the top of the market, decreasing costs 
for other school districts and leading them to buy the same materials.

"The books that are altered to fit the standards become the bestselling books, 
and therefore within the next two years they'll end up in other classrooms," 
said Fritz Fischer, chairman of the National Council for History Education, a 
group devoted to history teaching at the pre-college level. "It's not a 
partisan issue, it's a good history issue."

Each subject in Texas's curriculum is revised every 10 years, and the basic 
social studies framework was introduced by a panel of teachers last year. But 
the elected state board of education, which is comprised of 10 Republicans and 
five Democrats, has made more than 100 amendments to the curriculum since 

Discussions ranged from whether President Reagan should get more attention 
(yes), whether hip-hop should be included as part of lessons on American 
culture (no), and whether President of the Confederacy Jefferson Davis's 
inaugural address should be studied alongside Abraham Lincoln's (yes).

Of particular contention was the requirement that lessons on McCarthyism note 
that "the later release of the Venona papers confirmed suspicions of communist 
infiltration in U.S. government."

The Venona papers document communication between the Soviet Union and its 
spies. Historians dispute the extent to which transcripts show Soviet 
involvement in American government.

Also contentious were changes that asserted Christian faith of the founding 
fathers. Historians say the founding fathers had a variety of approaches to 
religion and faith; some, like Jefferson, were quite secular.

Some textbook authors expressed discomfort with the state board's changes, and 
it is unclear how readily historians will go along with some of the proposals.

"I'm made uncomfortable by mandates of this kind for sure," said Paul S. Boyer, 
emeritus professor at University of Wisconsin-Madison and the author of several 
of the most popular U.S. history textbooks, including some that are on the 
approved list in Texas.

Boyer said he had not fully reviewed the Texas curriculum and did not know how 
he would respond to it. But he added that in theory, changes in his text could 
be required that would make him uncomfortable endorsing his own book.

Texas school districts are able to buy books that the state board rejects but 
designates as containing at least half the required curriculum -- but they'll 
have to use their own money to do so. Almost all currently use state funds to 
buy textbooks off the approved list, said Suzanne Marchman, a spokeswoman for 
the Texas Education Agency.

One publisher said Tuesday that changes in technology, including the 
introduction of online components, make it easier and cheaper to tailor 
textbooks to specific states and requirements, and downplayed the impact that 
Texas's decisions would have on the rest of the country.

"We now have the ability to deliver completely customized content" to different 
states, said Joseph Blumenfeld, spokesman for Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, one of 
three major publishers that supply Texas with most of its social studies 

But some historians weren't so certain. Fischer, who is a historian at 
University of Northern Colorado, noted that first-year teachers fall back on 
what's most readily available to them -- their textbooks.

"Teachers have a lot to do and a lot on their plate, and if there's a nice big 
textbook that the kids have been taking home, they'll use it," he said. 


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