We don't need any more spats in the Middle East, Comrade Willy.   They 
have been costly and wasteful.  If Israel wants to start fights let them 
bail themselves out.  What have they done for us?

WillyTex wrote:
> "Even supporters of U.S. President Barack Obama 
> would have to agree that his foreign policy over 
> the past year, particularly in the Middle East, 
> has been exceptionally clumsy, to say the least. 
> It's not only Israelis who feel exasperated at 
> the way the Obama administration has tried to 
> "engage" and curry favor with despotic regimes, 
> from Russia to Iran to China, at the expense of 
> America's traditional allies in many parts of 
> the world.
> The Obama approach has not only failed to deliver 
> results, it has by and large emboldened tyrants 
> and dictators to harden their opposition to 
> America and the West..."
> Read more: 
> 'American Jewry's chance'
> By Anshel Pfeffer 
> Haaretz, March 18, 2010
> http://tinyurl.com/yl6cqkl

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