It now appears that every time since last July that
Obama said he was in favor of a public option for
health insurance reform, he did so despite having
promised the healthcare industry interests that 
there would be no public option in the bill.

No wonder there was no evidence of his having fought
*for* the public option. To the contrary, he knew he
wasn't going to allow it.

>From "Did Obama Kill the Public Option in July?" by
Paul Hogarth:

...President Obama has been justifiably slammed for not 
pushing hard enough for a public option, but the 
truth may be even worse than that. We know the White 
House cut a deal with hospitals and insurance 
companies last July on prescription drugs -- but as a 
New York Times reporter said this week, they also 
killed the public option....

On August 13th, David Kirkpatrick reported in the New 
York Times that contrary to public perception, 
President Obama was playing a much bigger role in 
shaping the health care bill...."Several hospital 
lobbyists involved in the White House deals," he 
wrote, "said it was understood as a condition of 
their support that the final legislation would not 
include a government-run health plan."...Kirkpatrick 
went on to quote one of the industry lobbyists, Chip 
Kahn, who said: "We have an agreement with the White 
House that I'm very confident will be seen all the 
way through conference."...

On March 15th, Ed Shultz of MSNBC had the Times' 
David Kirkpatrick on his show - who confirmed that 
Obama's backroom deal with the hospital and 
pharmaceutical industries last July included an 
agreement to kill the public option....

In other words, while Obama was still saying in 
September that he supports the public option (which 
kept us hopeful) - the President knew all along that 
it would never make it in the final bill. He never 
said he'd fight to include the public option, and 
repeatedly said he was "open" to other ways to 
achieve the same goal. But little did we know, the 
fix was in....

Also see:

"NY Times Reporter Confirms Obama Made Deal to Kill 
Public Option"

"Industry Interests Are Not in Their 'Twilight'"

"...[Obama] repeatedly railed against the Washington
practice of crafting bills by negotiating in secret with
lobbyists and industry interests, and his whole I'll-put-
these-negotations-on-C-SPAN promise was specifically
designed, he said, to prevent a health care bill from
being negotiated based on secret deals with the health
care and pharmaceutical industries.

"But that's exactly how he ended up negotiating this bill
-- using the exact secret processes that he railed against
and which he swore he would banish...."

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