> > ...in my experience it was pretty astonishing 
> > level of shaktipat  
> >
> Am I alone here in seeing this fascination with a 
> traveling scam artist who can generate a little 
> shakti as a sign of desperation?
So, you're fascinated and desperate, both at the
same time, still following the comings-and-goings
of spiritual teachers. You are not alone - it seems
like many of the FFL respondents are still on a 
spiritual path of some kind, excpt maybe with Sal 
as an exception.
> I mean, isn't it a sad commentary on the 40-year
> history of the TM movement that after all this
> time the few lingering True Believers get all 
> excited by 1) an experience that is considered
> elementary in most other spiritual traditions, 
> and 2) still Somebody Else's Experience.
Not really sad. You're on your own 'traveling scam 
artist' road trip right now, but how much 'shakti' 
did you generate down in Houston? 

It would be sad that after a 40-year history of 
joining and leaving cult groups, if you didn't at 
least get laid while on your latest spiritual trip
to Sante Fe, NM.

> All these years, all these decades, and people
> are still getting their spiritual jollies *second 
> hand*.
Yeah, I thought you'd be retired by now, but you're 
apparently still out there trying to generate some
work. What happened to all the money?

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