> > Am I alone here in seeing this fascination with a 
> > traveling scam artist who can generate a little 
> > shakti as a sign of desperation?
> >
> You may or may not be alone, but you sure are
> reading a whole lot into it, aren't you?
Don't be so hard on him - there's probably not much 
to do on Saturday night where Barry is right now.
> Looks to me a lot more like a sign of curiosity
> as to what's going on in Fairfield.
Some people just feel better when they have someone
to talk to, Judy.

> > I mean, isn't it a sad commentary on the 40-year
> > history of the TM movement that after all this
> > time the few lingering True Believers get all 
> > excited by 1) an experience that is considered
> > elementary in most other spiritual traditions, 
> > and 2) still Somebody Else's Experience.
> > 
> > All these years, all these decades, and people
> > are still getting their spiritual jollies *second 
> > hand*.
> Actually, I find the seeming compulsion of the True
> Nonbelievers to denigrate not only whatever it is
> Trivedi is doing and how Fairfielders are
> experiencing it, but also the interest FFLers are
> taking in it, considerably more fascinating and
> revealing.
> It can't be allowed to just be what it is, it seems;
> it has to be portrayed in a negative light.
> That's apparently how the True Nonbelievers get
> *their* jollies (even the self-styled Tantrics).
They don't call him 'Uncle Tantra' for nothing!

> Which means they're getting theirs *third*-hand.
> <snicker>
Probably getting theirs *left-handed*.


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