Comments from someone in FF:

Trivedi/Guruji  was in Fairfield this past weekend.  He offers blessings to
both groups and individuals.  Huge crowd on Wednesday the 17th at Sondheim.
Then smaller crowd at Morning Star on Sat the 20th, more individual

He's returning to FF on April 18.  Group sessions are $15-25.  Still
Some knowledge, etc. from him:

Earth changing consciousness faster than individuals.  Mother Earth's
frequency is alpha.  If we resonate with Her, then She can meet Her
responsibility of taking care of us.  

People immediately shift to alpha when being blessed by Trivedi.  MUM
scientist Alaric Arenander tested his wife Cynthia who's been rounding for
3+ years.  Her alpha, already high, increased with eyes closed, then
dramatically increased when Trivedi did blessing.

Conductivity is very important word on this planet, ability to flow energy.
5% of people are super conductors, 20% good conductors.  Depends on receiver
having low resistance.

Trivedi's blessings kick out radioactivity and GMO, even in next generation.
Experiments show that he can change size of atom, increase energy bt atoms

Experiments also show that:
his pituitary is egg-shaped and larger than other humans
skin elasticity better than new born baby
no plaque in arteries at age of 46
sympathetic and parasympathetic systems run simultaneously
does not breathe from diaphragm

FF people reported less fear, more happiness, more blissful yogic flying.
Final output of blessing is more happiness in all areas of life.  Less
mental restlessness, more calm, better sleep.  On the other hand, Trivedi
says that spirit is always resting.

Check out Trivedi Foundation for details of research.


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