> > But, I got my moral compass at age eleven and it hasn't 
> > changed much since then. I knew back then that lying and
> > stealing was wrong. But others seem to have gone through 
> > a really radical change at some point. Now they think what
> > they did when they worked for the TMO was criminal.
> >
> Because almost everyone else's "moral compass" continued to 
> evolve and mature AFTER the age of 11?
Right, but to make a radical change, after thirty years of
selling the snake oil, now you've got a whole new set of
ethics, that is, to sell more snake oil than ever?

Isn't being unethical an indicator that you have not reached
enlightenment? And, so if you change your moral compass after
thirty years, you are going to be instantly enlightened,
because you no longer believe it's right to sell the oil? 

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