BillyG wrote:
> --- In, "do.rflex" <do.rf...@...> wrote:
>> --- In, "BillyG" <wgm4u@> wrote:
>>> And Barack Obama isn't even addressing this, even if you include his 
>>> so-called health reform package, it's nothing but chump change. They're 
>>> more interested in social engineering than the ship of state which is 
>>> foundering and they're measuring the windows for blinds....go figure!
>>> Well America, American gets what America deserves and America now 
>>> 'deserves' Barack Obama, may it RIP.
>> Billy Gee Whiz is repeating the right wing talking points of misinformation 
>> and denying the realities that since Obama took office his policies have 
>> *turned around* the catastrophic direction of the economy he inherited when 
>> he took office.
>> Once again...
>> Let's see, the recession started December of 2007.
> Dude-when are you going to stop living in the past. There's enough blame to 
> go around on both sides. We need solutions NOW, who cares WHO did it, how do 
> we FIX it?  All of our social programs are going/gone broke!! You've 
> apparently got your head in the sand, dude, Medicare and Social Security 
> are/or are going broke!! That just didn't start under Bush!
> Social Security...going broke!  Medicare going broke

Laissez faire capitalism is the problem.  It introduces entropy into the 
economic system creating chaos and allowing an unethical few to rob the 
public.  Problems won't get solved until this problem with capitalism is 
recognized and removed.

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