India: Angry Villagers Bear Pollution Costs of Sponge Iron IndustryBy
Raj <>  on 02/10/2010 in Uncategorized
Again, on the question of "who bears the cost", the answer is:
the poor, women. More from the excellent Inter Press Service
<>  below the fold.

Angry Villagers Bear Pollution Costs of Sponge Iron Industry
By Manipadma Jena | InterPress Service | Feb 5, 2010

At dawn, 65-year-old Indian share farmer Gundicha Rout goes to the stone
water trough in his backyard to wash his face and prepare for paddy
husking. He reaches out for the water, dipping into a thin film of oil
on its surface. As he swishes the water in his mouth, there is a bitter
metallic taste

It has been like this in Patharakata hamlet in Rampei village, Cuttack
district in Orissa state, located in India's mineral-rich central
eastern belt, during the three years since Maheshwary Ispat, the sponge
iron factory next door, started production.

Rout has not been able to do much about this, except to join a
villagers' protest at the factory gates last week. That was the
seventh time he has done so over the last few years.

India is the world's largest producer of sponge iron – which is
extracted from iron ore and is used in making steel. The country
produced an all-time high of 20 million tonnes in 2008-09, compared to
just one million tonne in 1988 due to the quantum jump in demand for
steel for housing and infrastructure in the last decade. Production is
slated to double to 110 million tones by 2020, according to India's
National Steel Policy 2005.

But the process of extracting sponge iron releases many effluents in the
air and water, drawing protests about air pollution and environmental
damage from local communities.

At the same time, the supply of coking coal, which is used in the
manufacture of steel and steel scrap, which is feedstock for traditional
steel-making process, is not keeping up. Sponge iron has emerged as the
viable alternative feedstock, produced through Direct Reduction of Iron
(DRI), a process in which oxygen is removed from iron ore using coal or
gas as the manufacturing base without need for a furnace. It is a
low-capital, high-profit industry with short gestation.

Since the mid-2000s, small and medium sized production factories have
mushroomed in India's coal and iron-rich central eastern belt.
Orissa, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and West Bengal states have emerged as
the hub of sponge iron industries.

But the coal-bearing regions are also forest-rich, inhabited by
disadvantaged tribal and forest-dwelling communities dependent on the
forest and agriculture for their survival.

This coal industry is inherently a highly pollutive one. Ideally, for
instance, 154 tonnes of iron ore of more than 65 percent iron content
and 120 tonnes of coal with 35 percent ash content or `B' grade
are required to produce 100 tonnes of sponge iron.

"But the better coal is often privately sold away by the mining
companies, and coal with 50 percent ash content is provided to these
industries. Sometimes even stones are mixed with them to increase the
weight. Hence, raw material requirement goes up from 174 to 370 tonnes
for producing the same quantity," says Ahkila Kumar Swar, senior
environmental engineer with the government's Orissa State Pollution
Control Board (OSPCB).

Where normally a 100 TPD kiln would generate 17,500 kilogrammes of dust
every day, it generates 23,000 kg or more. Emissions of 60 kg with the
use of electro-static precipitators — the main air pollution control
devices — are normal. But residents of affected communities complain
that factories switch off these devices at night to save on energy

The flue gas containing fine dust particles from the factories and blown
by the wind from layers already on the ground thus settle on every
surface, including water in troughs, wells, ponds, plants, on food stuff
— even on clothes hanging out to dry.

Respiratory ailments like tuberculosis, asthma, dust allergy, dry cough,
throat irritation, chronic bronchitis and eye inflammation are all too
common among communities living within a radius of four to five
kilometers of sponge iron factories.

Emitted oxides of sulphur, nitrogen and hydrocarbons — also
responsible for the oily film on Gundicha's water trough — are
culprits for pollution. Toxic heavy metals in the air like chromium,
cadmium, nickel are human carcinogens that manifest after several years
of exposure, according to a 2009 study by the Orissa-based
non-government organisation Basundhara.

"Is this the place for a polluting factory to come up?" says a
livid Prashant Sarangi, headmaster of the government school Radhanath
Vidyapith in Khuntuni, two kilometres on the road to Maheshwary Ispat.

Ore-bearing trucks pass by the school at least 200 times a day, leaving
clouds of black dirt each time. The sponge iron factory has not bothered
to paved the short dirt road leading from the highway to it or sprinkle
water on it at regular intervals, which is mandatory.

Suta Behera, a female share farmer in Rampei, says that even the rice
they grow in polluted paddy fields has become dusty brown and is so
tough that it does not soften even four hours of cooking. No one likes
to buy this rice, so they residents had to consume it themselves. Yet
rice contributes 80 percent of their nutritional needs.

Pollution is far worse in clusters, as in Orissa's Sundargarh and
Keonjhar districts, where 62 of the 107 sponge iron units operate from
five to seven unit clusters. Besides paddy, fruit-bearing vegetation
like mango, lemon, papaya are coated in fly ash and coal dust for
months, except when the rains come.

"Over a prolonged period, both plant and fruit are stunted.
Consuming grass and leaves covered with these pollutants (also make)
livestock produce less milk," states a written complaint from
community groups to the Public Complaint Cell of the OSPCB.

Located west of Orissa, Chhattisgarh carved itself from Madhya Pradesh
as an independent state in 2000. It sits on more than 41,000 million
tonnes of coal deposits, attracting sponge iron industrialists in
droves. Many of them now wield enough backdoor political clout to ignore
pollution control rules, members of the `panchayat' or local
village assembly say.

In Siltara, 10 km from Chhattisgarh's capital of Raipur, a cluster
of more than 30 sponge iron factories are operating even though rules
prohibit less than five-km distances between two factories and one km
from residential areas. Few have the mandatory 15 to 30-metre width of
protective greenbelt around their units. Communities protest at the
gates, shouting "we want food, not iron".

In Jharkhand, another tribal-dominated state in this coal belt where
locals are restive over pollution complaints, two men in their 30s,
Meghnath and Biju Toppo, started recording on video evidence of
pollution, the simmering, sometimes raging wrath of community members
against the factories, the anguished helplessness of mothers' whose
infants suffer from the effects of this problem, and the views of wise
though unlettered elders arguing that industrial growth cannot be gained
at the cost of human lives, environment, agriculture and livestock.

The footage later became a 43-minute film titled `Loha Garam
Hai' (`Strike When the Iron is Hot') that won the 2009 Best
Environmental Film award from the Indian Documentary Producers'
Association in Mumbai, India's celluloid city.

In response to pressure from angry communities, state governments are
doing damage control, insisting that the larger manufacturing units set
up captive power generation plants utilising the main solid waste char,
mixed with coal. A few are now using flue dust to make bricks and also
briquettes for fuel or dumping it in low waste land.

The Orissa government is developing a cluster development programme,
with the help of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation
(UNIDO), to improve productivity, reduce emissions and link the clusters
with carbon credits under the Clean Development Mechanism.

To many, the situation is so bad that things can only improve. "But
how soon?" asked the headmaster Sarangi. (END)

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