emptybill wrote:
> Interestingly, you don't have to look as far as Europe to find such
> as doomsday scenario. Leftists in California have driven the state to
> the brink of bankruptcy with a deficit of $20 billion
> <http://www.lao.ca.gov/2009/bud/fiscal_outlook/fiscal_outlook_111809.asp\
> x> . If major reforms are not enacted, California will join the PIGS of
> Europe as another failed social democracy. Perhaps worse, if Obamacare
> and other Democratic policies are allowed to continue unaltered, America
> itself will join in this fate.

Yeah right empty, like the rightists can do any better.  I live in 
California.  Both sides the aisle were responsible for being goofy about 
boom periods, behaving like 5 years olds, and not realizing for every 
boom you have a bust.  All they had to do was look around to see how 
unreal the boom was.  But apparently they lack the IQ to evaluate such 
things.  Thus we need to clear the state assembly and start all over 
again.  But I think it is to late and California will collapse into an 
economic black hole pulling the rest of the US in with with a little 
help from New York of course.

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