Beyond Time. Eternity.

(Beyond the perception of changing events - - an old email to somebody)

With regard to that aspect of your experience Grant, may I offer this
….. ("But how can one say, 'I was above the curve of time...' my
kids (both in their thirties) laugh at me".)

First, don't tell them :- ))  One mentions these kind of things to
people who are in the know to some degree or those who come looking for
you. To the others you say nothing; or simply write books. The `others'
do not read these kind of books – YET ! Simple as that Grant. You
cannot get a quart into a pint pot – but the plants grow by
experience and watering them well – so to speak.

With regard to Time. It is a funny old business is it not.  The current
paradigm (well, the one some live in anyway) has it that there are three
dimensions of space (width breadth and depth) and one dimension of time,
and that is it.  This is all nonsense ! Moreover, all these phenomena
are operative in ONE dimension; THIS ONE called the physical world and
universe.  This is not what is meant by the mystics as dimensions; they
are simply Cartesian coordinates in this dimension.

Moreover, even in this dimension of the physical universe Time is not a
phenomenon in its own right; it is the effect of the working of other
phenomena. Time is the changing face of energy – not a thing in its
own right.  Many think of time as a kind of cosmic jam jar into which
things are put and the lid is sealed to keep them in there.

Have you ever heard the mystics say …..  Only at the end of time can
you know these things? Well, they were correct in so saying; and I say
it myself. It does not mean at the end of this world or at the end of
the physical universe – it means when time ends FOR YOU.  Time can
end at any point, at any time of the day – and it lasts as long as
it takes to learn whatever is needed for that person to learn at that
point in their development.  Even in this physical universe there is no
such thing as a universal time constant simply because change is due to
Mass and Gravitational forces.

Moreover, they like to assume that everything in the universe changes
– it is not so; and the physical universe is only a part of the
whole Cosmos of things.  All physical things change.  But does
consciousness grow old and rot?  Of course not. Do ideas grow old and
rot?  Does love and passion grow old and rot?  Do inspirations and
ideals grow old and rot?  The body grows old and rots back into the
stuff that all physical forms of energy are made of.  Everything at some
point goes back to from whence it came – even the mind and
consciousness.  And as YOU are MIND (not a body) then so too does that
(YOU) go back to from whence you came – HOME – Eternity; the
ground of Being – and wherein one redeems this eternal knowledge,
wisdom, understanding = the GNOSIS of Eternity in the Ground of Being.

If that happens during a lifetime then naturally you remember it when
you come back here (the second coming) into temporal perception again. 
If we did not come back here on occasions after that experience then
nothing on earth would ever be known about it. So it obviously HAS to be
known on earth – as it is in Paradise (Eternity) beyond all moving
time and space. And so it is, and so it is found and experienced and
KNOWN to be. I KNOW.   And so to do others KNOW – but they are rare
on earth at any one time in any one generation. Nothing is for nothing
in the nature of things; and everything is for something – cause and
effect and more besides.

However, think of it as simply steeping out of a continuum of the flow
of changing events. Think of a river and you are in a boat on that river
(a physical body is your boat and time travelling machine – it
travels through time from birth to death). But you the living life force
within it are not made of the stuff of this world or the physical
universe.  So your boat simply pulls over to the proverbial river bank
and you step out of it of it onto the `land' – so to speak. Nothing
made in time and space can return to the ground of being in eternity
(paradise) - - ONLY YOU !  For it is what you ARE made of.

But of course it is not quite as simple as that.  In reality there is no
hard and fast line as a river bank in that one instant there is dry land
and the next there is water. Think of the land at the side of the river
of change as also changing and flowing – but not as fast as the
river flows. Thus there is still time (and the perception of changing
events - just like in your experience) but it is not physical time, it
is psychic time. And it is therein that psychic events are experienced
(on the inside) or projected onto the outside from the inside (like an
hallucination – or what I call and Extended and projected Arkon
Image Emanation). Most (not all) psychic experiences (as are NDE's) are
SYMBOLIC and made that way for YOUR personal understanding of something.
It is an `in the meantime meal' to digest.  Do not they in NDE's get the
understanding "You must go back now, you cannot go on further now"
understanding. It is so, and well documented. It is enough of a meal of
experience for now. Some have to learn some things slowly and a bit at a
time. Others digest the food of experience quicker – but it is not a

However, the further you go inward into creation (the existence and
emanation of constructed things – i.e. down the vortex of emanation)
so even that inner kind of time slows down – the further you get
away from the river of changing events.  At the dead centre of all
things there is no movement and no change – the point of no duration
and no extension – home (like the non moving centre of the hub of a
wheel). The created mind (us) cannot go any deeper inward/downward than
the edge of that – there is what we are made of and what we are.
Therein is found the perennial gnosis – the cosmological perennial
and primordial principle of the existence of all things (understanding)
the eternal knowledge of what we are and what existence is about, in the
deepest depths of the ALL; and why we exist. The most profound Cognitive
understanding during that Eternity experience event.

However, between that `river' of changing events in a physical universe
and that place of HOME in near the point of no duration, there is a lot
of `ground' so to speak – it is BIG. Some have called this section
the SOUL ( I call it the ARKON REALM or simply the sub conscious for
psychology) – whilst the bit that never leaves home is our essential
spirit of being – the spark of the eternal life force which each of
us are in essence in that ground of being.  But this middle section is
where all the archetypes are stored, recorded, and come from.  Normally
psychic experience emanates UP into the topside mind from that level. 
But on occasions (and always in the case of near death experiences)
consciousness seeps back down to that level and one experiences it form
the inside.  I knew of one guy who went into the actual walls of that
tunnel of the Double Vortex of emanation (he had been dabbling in the
occult and messing where it was not wise to mess). When he came back he
wrote about it and then committed suicide shortly after which – for
you do not want to go into the walls of that vortex.

Our SELF is not really the big ultimate mystery of creation or existence
– for we not only come to know it in due course but we can fully
understand it, grasp it and digest it in logic and reason – we fully
comprehend it.  But there are two things which are incomprehensible and
can never be got at by us – and those two things are the phenomenon
of primordial consciousness (cognition) itself and that which constructs
it. That lot is even deeper down into creation than that which is the
beginning of our personal BEING.

Thus, in that transcendent paradise condition there is only ME – I
AM, and the place itself. And we are all that same phenomenon; and
albeit unique to each being (caused by the phenomenon of consciousness
itself). Some folks have thought of that as…. Well, I will not put a
stupid name to it. But that bit is US, you and me, and every extant life
form – a human, a chicken, or a worm – anything which is alive
and which the phenomenon of consciousness can flow through – like
the breath of life; the life force within us.

But there is something deeper than all that – and we can never know
it or know what it is.  We can only `know' OF it by what gets issued
forth from it.  And the first thing that is issued forth from it is ME 
(I AM) and the paradise of the ground of our being where I AM resides. 
When man (one should use the word BEING here for it is not human) first
exists it is in that eternal paradise condition of being – but that
primordial paradise consciousness gets lost and forgotten when we get
born into a physical world. So we are given the remembrance of it again
by getting dragged back there during a lifetime by way of Purgation.
Ipso Facto.  It is not a matter of choice. I AM the remembrance of the
Pleroma of the depths of the ALL – and nothing exist brought forth
before me or comes after me in creation;  I AM the beginning and the end
of all that is brought forth from no created thing –  and in order
to attain to that primordial paradise condition you must come by way of
me ( I AM). I AM the way to Paradise.  ONLY though me can you attain to
Paradise.   It is all so easy, simple, and crystal clear to those who
know it – by having been back there. But impossible for those who do
not know it to work it out or understand it in rational or deductive
terms. Know thy SELF. (albeit that folks CAN and DO understand it well
enough if explained to them reasonably; and in so doing it makes sense
to them; if they listen).

But what is it that this I AM knows and loves beyond all else whilst in
that mode of being? It is ultimate love and passion – and that which
it loves is NO CREATED THING. Go and work it out for yourself ;- )  I,
unlike some folks, do not put names to things that are not created; for
that would be idiotic and pointless. IT is just WHAT IS, and AS IS.

I have gone a bit deeper than I indented to here – share it with
your friends for they too exist in Eternity and come from there –
and will return there. This is why the mystics and genuine perceivers of
this gnosis do not get carried away by psychic experiences on the edge
of the river of changing events – or in the walls of the tunnel
home. They have other things to do and think about.  And those walls of
the vortex are a Pandora's box of ancient archetypes that you do not
want to get involved with or even know by encountering them. Believe you
me. So, leave deep psychic stuff alone. That which you encounter
naturally is fine, and it is for your food of experience to digest –
but do not dabble in it or play silly games with it.

But all things that are naturally and spontaneously given to us exist to
be learned from. So learn from those psychic experiences too – eat
and digest, for experience is the food of life.  That which IS does not
teach us by way of words and books – but by putting us IN that which
we need to learn about and we have to live it. And they do not see it
because they are blind as yet to these deeper things and they watch mere
shadows on the wall of the cave – and they think themselves
knowledgeable and wise.

When men tell you that `xxx' has spoken to them on your behalf –
then run a mile, for they are con artists, self erected gurus,
charlatans, white painted cups which contain filth and poison – like
priestcraft and churchianity. They are the worst virus ever to plague
the mind of man.  Walk alone with that which IS SO. And from that you
will learn – and ONLY that.  The genuine mystics with this gnosis
can only give you words, but only that which exists can give you the
experience of it, the knowledge and the understanding.  And only from
that do you grow and become even more.  Life and existence is not simply
about BEING. It is about BEING and the incarnate temporal BECOMING. And
everything which is ever needed, and need to know, was given to you in
the beginning. Go back to the beginning – beyond time – and ONLY
then can you know what you are and why you exist. And then come back
here again and use it – for you cannot use it when you are not here.

Your experience Grant, was a wonderful symbolic construct which taught
you that there is more to YOU and to the flow and meandering of TIME
– and beyond.  Sorry I took so long in this one – I get carried
away at times.  It is a subject close to me :- ) Share this with those
who are interested in the more that exists to be known and the more that
we are.  Now I need a pint of beer and a fag :- )

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