Or, The Science of Sucking Energy and the Art of
Pretending You're Not Doing It

I have some rare time in my work schedule to sit in a cafe
and rap this morning, so I'm going to rap about something
that doesn't get discussed here much, and almost never got
discussed in Maharishi's teachings -- occultism.

I see occultism as the study of subtle energies, the exchange
of those energies among sentient beings, and how they can
be manipulated by those who know how. Thus it is very *much*
a subject based in duality; energy can only be exchanged
between entities that are separate, or consider themselves
separate. Occultism would be a view of existence irrelevant
if your 24/7 perception of the world was Unity. But since I
don't think anyone on this forum actually lives in Unity
24/7. it might be of interest to some.

Since this rap is delivered to people who for the most part
studied with Maharishi, as a tribute to him I have subtitled
it above "The Science of Sucking Energy and the Art of
Pretending You're Not Doing It."  :-)

The Basics

Occult energy is not the same thing as shakti. Apples and
oranges. You've seen many on this forum who have had
experience with both point out the difference.

Real shakti is IMO devoid of intent or intention. If it seems
to "flow," that is because you're perceiving something that
has always already been present and you're just noticing
and, out of habit, assuming that it was "beamed" at you or
"aimed" at you.

Occult energy flows because someone *wants* it to flow. There
is very definitely an *intent* behind it. Even if that intent
is benevolent, the energy is to some extent colored by the
presence of intent. Them's the basics.

The Nature Of Attention

Attention is a drug. Seeking attention is an addiction. The
techniques *for* seeking and attracting attention are occult
in nature. Those who seek attention "feed" off of it to some
extent. Them's the basics of trolling for attention.

Many, if not most, of the people who in my opinion troll for
attention on a regular basis don't know that they are doing
it. For them it is an unconscious or subconscious process.
They just know that *the more people they can get to focus
on them and thus give them their attention, the better and
more energetic they feel*.

Those who have not yet figured out how to generate those
feelings of betterness and heightened energy themselves,
from within, often take the spiritual "low road" and get
them by trolling for attention, and sucking it from others.

I once had occasion to chat with an actress once nominated
for an Academy Award. In person she was *not* all that
beautiful or attractive, but sitting with her I could not help
but notice that *every* eye in the room was watching her,
and not necessarily male, and not necessarily because they
recognized her. I called her on this and she laughed and
said, "Oh that...that's my 'magnet' thing. I do it whenever
I'm out in public." When I tried to delve into it further,
she admitted that she had no idea *how* she could do this,
only that she could, and that *she got off on it*. She
described it as a bigger rush than sex.

That's the WHY of trolling for attention. Those who do it
on a regular basis -- as different as they might be from
each other physically or in other ways -- all have a similar
"energy signature" that anyone who has been around
the occult block can recognize. We tend to call such
people "attention vampires."

The Case In Point

A certain individual who for a short time two years ago
chatted with us here on FFL had such an "energy signature,"
as far as I could tell. It was so noticeable that I was
curious enough to Google her ID and found that FFL was
only one of the many sites on which she was trolling for
attention. The others were dating or romance sites, on
which I could still read (at the time) many of her conver-
sations there. They did *not* seem to be oriented towards
finding love or finding sex; they were clearly more about
finding attention. She reacted more positively the more
that people focused on her and praised her, and reacted
badly when they did not. Her experience on FFL fell into
the latter category. She was unable to "make a lot of
friends" here or capture much attention, so she bailed.

Cut to present day. This person has now set themselves
up as a spiritual teacher of sorts, marketing her business
via the Internet. And, as far as I can tell, she's still in
the business of trolling for attention. She seems to *collect*
attention. On Facebook she has almost 3,000 "friends,"
keeps herself in their attention constantly by sending them
pretty Newagey graphics, and brags about the number of
friends she has when she's on other forums.

Call me crazy, but given my studies in the past, I think
what we have here is an occultist in it for the attention.
I may be wrong about this, but this post gives you a few
reasons WHY I feel this way.

I don't particularly dislike this woman, any more than
I disliked the actress or dislike many of the other
attention vampires I run into. In fact, I'm being kind
to this particular attention vampire in this post by
never mentioning her name. Thus it won't show up
on the "hit list" when someone Googles her.

The Bottom Line

But maybe it should. Because in the study of occultism
there is a "bottom line" to trolling for attention. It
flows *from* one person *to* another, and along with
it flows one's life energy.

In occult studies, there is a tried and true method for
telling the difference between occult flash and real
shakti. If when you are with the person you think is
"radiating shakti" physically or talking with them over
the phone or the Internet you feel a "hit" of energy ,
that could be IMO either real shakti or occult energy.
If you find the energy hit "flashy" or very noticeable,
it is almost certaintly occult energy.

If that "energy hit" fades when you are *not* with the
person, or when you're not thinking about them (and
thus focusing your attention on them), and doesn't
seem to persist when you are not with them or focus-
ing on the, it's occult energy. You are being had by an
attention vampire.

All of this is JUST MY OPINION. Nothing more,
nothing less. I'm rapping about it only because I felt
like it, not to try to sell anything or "convert" anyone
to my point of view. It's not the only view of personal
interactions and the energy flows exchanged between
people, but it's one view of them. I present it only
for your amusement or edification or scorn. Whatever
floats your boat.

Over and out...

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