So if these interviews are on the internet, can we see a link to one of
From: []
On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2010 4:48 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Questions and Answers, Benjamin Creme, April 2010
Questions and Answers 
Q. How many interviews has Maitreya given so far?
A. Maitreya has given nine interviews so far [as we go to press]. 
Q. Is the "window of opportunity" you mentioned in the March 2010 issue of
Share International, still open?
A. Yes. 
Q. Have Maitreya's interviews been taking place in America or elsewhere?
A. Maitreya's interviews have been taking place for the moment in America.
But He will go from America to many countries: to Japan, Europe, South
America, Russia and China, and speak to the world. Don't forget that as He
speaks during an interview there is also an internet broadcast in most
cases. These are high-powered television interviews from major TV programmes
and via the internet He can be heard and seen by millions at the same time. 
In America He is speaking English; if He were in Japan He would speak
Japanese; in Russia in Russian, China in Chinese, in South America, Spanish
or Portuguese. So millions will hear and have access to every interview He
Q. Have all Maitreya's interviews been taking place on the same channel in
the USA so far?
A. Yes. The same channel so far. 
Q. How long do the television interviews last, on average?
A. They last on average about half an hour.
Q. (1) I think it's been said once in Share International that during
Maitreya's first appearances on television, He would show Himself in a
restrained way, as if He was trying not to let people know all His
radiation, in a way to give us time to adapt ourselves to His presence. Has
this happened? (2) Can we expect a clearer `energetic message' or impact in
the following months, when we see Him on television or the internet? (3)
Have the appearances of Maitreya been as successful as planned?
A. (1) That is not exactly the case. He presented Himself in a restrained
way, a quiet way. He was at pains not to frighten off those He is trying to
help. That continues to be the case although He is more forthright than He
was at first. It is nothing to do with His `radiation'. (2) He will
certainly be more forthright but He is also careful to restrict or temper
His `energetic presence'. (3) They have been reasonably successful so far. 
Q. (1) In Maitreya's television interviews in the US does he always go by
the same name? (2) Does Maitreya always look the same in all the TV
interviews? Is Maitreya using his actual body for the interviews or is he
using a familiar for some or all of them? 
A. (1) Yes. (2) He varies His clothes (as we all do). He is using the body
in which He appears in the world. 
Q. You say in the January/February issue of Share International that you
cannot give a specific time, day, or any information about Maitreya's
interview for such and such reasons, then in question three you say that
there is not a specific date for the Day of De-claration and this is not
planned for 2012. I assume that the argument about people accepting Maitreya
for what He proposes and not because they think He is the World Teacher is
still valid here. But in question four you say that the media will give the
time when the Day of Declaration will take place. So, can you clarify this,
A. The media will make the arrangements for the Day of Declaration when the
people call for Maitreya to appear before the world.
Q. It is really wonderful that Maitreya can be seen and heard by tens of
millions or even hundreds of millions of people everywhere in the world. I
remember when the journalists were waiting for Maitreya in London with
Patricia Pitchon [31 July 1985], when apparently Hierarchy decided to move
forward, and was attacked by evil forces, specially those from Outer Space,
those called Cosmic Evil forces. So Hierarchy had to shield the Earth and
some moves in the Reappearance had to be postponed. Now that Maitreya has
moved forward, does it imply that our planet is more shielded against
intrusions from Cosmic Evil forces, as a consequence of permission given
from divine levels of our planet and beyond, to permit Hierarchy to work
without being interrupted?
A. No. Maitreya took advantage of an opening of a window of opportunity at a
given time. 
Q. Could you say something about the recent earthquakes in Haiti and Chile?
A. Earthquakes result from a combination of factors. The earth's tectonic
plates move and cause pressure which erupts in a volcano or an earthquake.
That happened in both Haiti and Chile but in the case of the earthquake in
Haiti it also had a karmic origin due to the internal pressure in Haiti over
many years between a series of repressive governments and the people
themselves. That interchange between the people and the governments who kept
the people down resulted in tension. There is an outflow from that
relationship which is fraught with tension, building up into a karmic
situation, which if the tectonic plates move will certainly cause an
earthquake to erupt there. The earthquake in Chile was caused by the
movement of tectonic plates only. It had no karmic origin, unlike in Haiti. 
Q. A process of demonstrations of public discontent seems to be growing -
for example in Greece, against austerity measures, government spending cuts
etc. Is this the beginning of the rise of people power which will eventually
include recognition of Maitreya - or, at least, His priorities, His ideas,
and eventually swell to demand more of His presence on international
A. No. As yet it is mostly local selfish reaction to unpopular government
Q. Please ask your Master what the latest figures are on (1) surplus food
production and (2) global annual deaths related directly to hunger and
A. (1) About 12 per cent. (2) Nearly 3 million people.
Q. I have read that the painting by Leonardo da Vinci, `Madonna and Saint
Giovannino', has painted in the background what appears to be a UFO. (1) Is
the golden orb in the background of da Vinci's painting an image of a UFO?
(2) Did da Vinci have direct knowledge of the Space Brothers during his
lifetime? (3) Are there any other Renaissance paintings with images of UFOs
in them? 
A. (1) No. (2) Yes. (3) Yes. There is one in the Courtauld Institute of Art
in London. 
Q. On 11 January 2010, I listened to Susan Richards on BBC Radio 4
discussing the lecture she was giving to the Royal Geographical Society in
London entitled `Lost and Found in Russia'. She told of the strange stories
during her many visits to Russia, one being of a prosperous, happy community
in a remote area unknown in the West. This community is heavily polluted all
round the surrounding area; there is also political unrest. It is visited by
an epidemic of the paranormal: an epidemic of sightings of `UFO derived
beings and little hairy devils'. The person leading the community was
convinced this was a benign phenomenon inspired by a cosmic intelligence and
sent on a mission to help them. Susan Richards contrasted the leadership of
that commun-ity, that of leadership by example in the Quaker tradition, to
the `top down' of Putin's Russia. What is going on here? 
A. This community is an outpost inspired by the Master Jesus as an
experiment in community living.

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