Maharishi fans will be happy to hear a new book on the once popular mountebank is about to be released. Planned release, Spring 2010

This new book is the true story of a love affair with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the Indian Guru made famous by the Beatles, Donovan, Mia Farrow, Deepak Chopra and David Lynch.

Maharishi was very successful in spreading his technique of Transcendental Meditation around the world. But rumours that he was not the celibate monk he claimed to be have been circulating for decades.

In this book Judith Bourque describes the love affair she experienced with Maharishi when she went to India as a young woman to become a teacher of Transcendental Meditation. Once you have read it, the choice to believe the rumours or not will still be yours, but you will be better informed.

The book is planned for release sometime during the spring of 2010

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