Good points Willy! Have you noticed the difference between the Tea Party 
demonstrators and the Anti AZ demonstrators? Fox News channel showed a split 
screen with Tea Party demonstrations in Washington D.C., middle class and 
peaceful and the Pro- illegal demonstrators in AZ throwing bottles and other 
objects at police, trying to incite riots and defacing property. I was kind of 
hoping to see at least one sign proclaiming *We don't need no stinkin' badges!*

From: WillyTex <>
Sent: Tue, April 27, 2010 10:04:08 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rachel Maddow: What does an illegal immigrant look 


> What does an illegal immigrant look like?
This is the wrong question, John, the question 
should be: 'What you *get* by crossing the border 

In North Korea, get caught crossing the border 
illegally and you get arrested, held in solitary 
confinement in a freezing cold prison, fed white 
rice and water once a day, interrogated six times 
a day without a legal representation, denied 
contact with family or friends, denounced in 
public by a dictator, put on a military show trial 
for weeks, and then you get 8 years at hard labor 
in a coal mine in the mountains.

In Brazil, get caught crossing the border 
illegally and you get arrested and sent back to 
your native village in Argentina to answer to
Hugo Chavez about how you lost the cocaine stash.

In China, get caught crossing the border 
illegally, and you disappear forever.

In Afghanistan, get caught crossing the border 
illegally, and you get shot.

In Cuba, get caught crossing the border illegally, 
and you get tossed into a political prison without 
a trial.

In Russia, get caught crossing the border 
illegally, you get arrested, and after a short 
trial, you get sent to Siberia. 

In Libya, get caught crossing the border 
illegally and you get arrested and put on a show 
trial, and then sent to a prison in the desert 
with no food or water.

In Iraq, get caught crossing the border illegally 
and you get arrested, beat up, tortured in a 
secret underground prison, get your head chopped 
off, and then your headless body gets dumped on a 
side street at night.

In Iran, get caught crossing the border illegally, 
and you get arrested, held in Evan Prison for 
months, put on a show trial, and then maybe, you 
get deported to the U.S., France, or Great 

In the United States, get caught crossing the 
border illegally, and you get a job, housing, food 
stamps, free legal aid, free medical aid, free 
hospitalization, free education for your children; 
millions of dollars worth of free printed 
materials and U.S. Social Security; an advocate, 
and you get to hold up and wave an American flag, 
in a public protest downtown; a video on cable TV, 
and a humorous report on 'The Daily Show' with Jon 
Stewart and you get Rachel Maddow to stand up for 
your rights?

Go figure:

'Man gets 8 years' hard labor in North Korea'
Associated Press, April 7, 2010

'Stewart Hammers Lawmakers For Immigration Bill' 
Huffinton Post, April 27, 2010

'Murdered Rancher Along Mexican Border'
Fox News, April 04, 2010


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