Fwd from a friend:

You can vote early at the court house.

Hello community friends,

In just one week there will be a vote on the FA&CC using LOST money from city of Fairfield. This vote is more important than most people realize, and the best/only option for remaining open, and in our local hands. Some people do not realize the importance the FA&CC has come to have in actually generating LOST revenues for our community. With a hi-way by-pass now, it is even more important to bring in visitors. There are no downsides to voting yes. But there are for voting no - if LOST revenue goes down, all entities will lose, including extras made possible for city supported groups like the library, park & rec, FPAC, and many others.

Help keep Fairfield positive and vibrant - VOTE YES and encourage your family & friends to do the same. Please feel free to share this email.

City Councilman Myron Gookin, who chairs the city's Finance Committee, makes a poignant case for voting "yes" on May 4th.

The key points he made are:

1.  Voting 'yes' will not raise your taxes
2.  The FACC is an incredibly important asset to Fairfield
3.  It has a viable plan for financial sustainability
4.  We need to protect our investment

The article may be read it its entirety of the FairfieldCenterInfo site - <http://www.fairfieldcenterinfo.com/?p=640>http://www.fairfieldcenterinfo.com/?p=640 . What's nice about going to the site is that you can easily share the full article with your network by utilizing the "share" button at the bottom of the page.

Thanks so much for your support of the FACC!
Suzan Kessel

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