It is unfortunate that Stephen Hawking has added his voice to a growing chorus 
of xenophobia and fear regarding what he terms "Aliens."

Secondly, as a scientist, he should know better: Any interstellar civilization 
would possess such technologies that the meager resources of Earth would be 
unneeded. If you can travel faster than the speed of light, you can manifest 
what is needed. Period. Moreover, IF they were hostile- since ETs are already 
visiting Earth (see this would have been made 
crystal clear when we detonated the first atomic weapon in 1945. To date, no 
place on Earth has been invaded or attacked or colonized.

Hawking should refrain from stirring the war-mongering fear pot that attends 
all things "alien." 

And one might ask: Why would he make such statements, unless he is carrying 
water for the military-industrial-financial complex which profiteers off of the 
wars that fear breeds?

Steven M. Greer MD
April 26, 2010

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