Mdixon, Willytex, Wleeds,

You are a cancerous warts on Fairfield Life's face.  Your fears mark you, each 
and all, as genuine dangers; cultural shitheels.  And there is simply no cure 
for you and your kind.  

BigBiz let the ten million Mexicans in to pick fruit, then once it had all 
these "handy slaves," it brings down the hammer on them.  This is gotcha 
racism, and your blind-eye is evil, and if you were a trillionaire I wouldn't 
trade souls with you.  If you still pretend to have a spiritual dynamic, then 
look up and see if there are a huge cloud of demons hovering over your heads 
and singing praises and showering you with their excrement.

What propagandists you are; what a cowardly set of lies you are helping 

Are you parents? Are brainwashing into your kids this pure shit immorality?  
Are you raising yet more hateful sons-of-a-bastard so willing to espouse what 
cannot be called anything but genocide?

Oh, you'll probably die ages from now in nice clean beds with someone holding 
your hands, but take care, take care, the mirror gets ever so clear as time 
passes, and the vision of yourself that you must eventually come to see -- even 
if it happens during your very last breath -- will be one that would make even 
Dorian Gray shudder to behold.  

That'd satisfy me as karmic justice -- you'll someday get it that all your 
anger has eroded your souls and shriveled it into the psychic turds you even 
now show yourselves to identify with.  And in that moment, your own processes 
will turn upon themselves as you see that your lives were but a vile vomiting 
intended on making the world a worse place than you found it.

You are just a bunch of shithouse rats.


--- In, Mike Dixon <mdixon.6...@...> wrote:
> Shame on you Edg for crying racism when none is there. Your charge is 
> laughable!The Az. law mirrors the federal law regarding illegal immigration. 
> So if the AZ. law is pure terrorism on non-whites, so is the federal law. The 
> law states that the police will need to have a reasonable cause , such as 
> running a stop sign, before questioning a person about their legal status. We 
> all carry ID of some sort and have to produce it  nearly every day, whether 
> it's a drivers license, proof of insurance, social security card, credit 
> cards,etc. to carry on business. If a person's immigration status is in 
> question, ICE can quickly check it out. When you wear the eye glasses of 
> racism all you see is racism. 
> ________________________________
> From: Duveyoung <>
> To:
> Sent: Thu, April 29, 2010 3:14:40 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: William D. Update on Arizona's Immigration 
> Law and Liberal Attacks
> That law is pure terrorism upon non-whites. Shame the fuck on you WLeed. 
> Racist! 
> Edg
> --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, WLeed3@ wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ____________ _________ _________ ______
> > From: info@
> > To: wleed3@
> > Sent: 4/29/2010 11:57:21 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
> > Subj: William D. Update on Arizona&apos; s Immigration Law and Liberal 
> > Attacks
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > William D.,
> > 
> > A few days ago I sent you the email below regarding our efforts to show 
> > support for Arizona's tough new immigration law. 
> > 
> > Since I sent you this email, the attacks from liberals against this new 
> > law have only increased.
> > 
> > The Los Angeles Times has reported that the ACLU - American Civil 
> > Liberties Union; Mexican American Legal Defense Fund and others are set to 
> > announce in Phoenix plans to challenge the measure in court. Other 
> > protestors 
> > are targeting those attending Major League Baseball games.
> > 
> > In a meeting with reporters last night in the back of Air Force One, 
> > President Obama said they were examining how they can take action on the 
> > law. 
> > 
> > We are trying to send a message of support to the Legislative Leaders in 
> > their fight to get something done to close our borders. We also want to 
> > send a message to Congress urging them not to trample on state's rights or 
> > try 
> > to remove Arizona's state law. We are also urging other states to go 
> > further in the fight on illegal immigration.
> > 
> > So, if you have not done so, please _go here now and support ACU on this 
> > effort_ (https://www. digitaldonation. com/donate. aspx?campid= 1293) .
> > 
> > And, if you would like to read by original email, to learn more, it is 
> > below.
> > 
> > -DW 
> > --------- ORIGINAL EMAIL -------_--
> > 
> > Dear William D.,
> > No sooner had pen been put to paper in Arizona to create one of the 
> > nation's toughest new immigration laws, than liberal special interest 
> > groups in 
> > Washington began plotting schemes to destroy it.
> > 
> > 
> > As Americans we should applaud Arizona's Governor and Legislature who 
> > passed this law.
> > 
> > 
> > The Arizona leaders who support this law are under tremendous attack from 
> > the left wing and their allies in the White House. The far left is trying 
> > to hint that all Arizonans who support this law, all Legislators who voted 
> > for it and even Arizona's Governor, have a tint of racism on their 
> > tongues. 
> > 
> > We should be disgusted with the arguments from the left.
> > 
> > They claim the law will interfere with civil rights - but our rights are 
> > guaranteed by our constitution for citizens and those who face punishment 
> > from the law are here illegally. Although 70% of Arizona voters approve of 
> > the law, according to a poll by Rassmussen Reports, the liberals are trying 
> > to convince Americans that the people of Arizona are now protesting it.
> > 
> > The liberals are trying to turn this into a race issue and hope to use it 
> > to inflame the public going into the 2010 elections. They want to trick 
> > the legal immigrant population into believing this is an attack against 
> > them 
> > which could not be further from the truth.
> > 
> > The liberals also believe that if they can make it look like Americans 
> > oppose this law, they can create fear in Congress and force Congress to 
> > pass 
> > amnesty for all illegal immigrants.
> > 
> > We are fighting back starting today.
> > 
> > _Sign the Special ACU Petition. Send Three Messages at Once: 1. Send a 
> > Message that Americans Support Arizona's Governor and Legislature. 2. 
> > Tell Congress Not to Stop Arizona's Tough New Immigration Law 3. Urge other 
> > States to Pass a Similar Law_ (https://www. digitaldonation. com/donate
> > .aspx?campid= 1293) 
> > 
> > If other states pass similar laws we can start to crack down on illegal 
> > immigration.
> > 
> > We want to call on all state legislatures around the nation to introduce 
> > similar laws. It is time the American people stood up with one voice 
> > against illegal activity.
> > 
> > If we do not stand up to this illegal activity, we should ask ourselves if 
> > Americans should follow other laws on the books. Traffic violations are 
> > enforced. Tax laws are enforced. Why not illegal immigration laws?
> > 
> > Our nation has a proud history shown by our Statue of Liberty opening our 
> > arms up to the world. However, at Ellis Island immigrants entered the 
> > country according to the immigrations laws at that time. 
> > 
> > Legal Immigration is not the issue. When this subject comes up the first 
> > thing the liberals want to remove from the conversation is the word 
> > "illegal."
> > 
> > The nation's history of immigration is based on legal entry, not racing 
> > across the border trying to avoid capture to take jobs from legal Americans.
> > 
> > _Sign the Special ACU Petition. Send Three Messages at Once: 1. Send a 
> > Message that Americans Support Arizona's Governor and Legislature. 2. 
> > Tell Congress Not to Stop Arizona's Tough New Immigration Law 3. Urge other 
> > States to Pass a Similar Law_ 
> > (https://www. digitaldonation. com/donate. aspx?campid= 1293) 
> > 
> > At a time when we are still trying to protect our nation from terrorists, 
> > we need to mindful about protecting our borders.
> > 
> > It does our nation no good to spend billions in the fight against terror 
> > if we allow terrorists to cross porous borders.
> > 
> > This new law sends a message to Washington - not to provide amnesty for 
> > illegal immigrants - but for Congress and our federal government to do 
> > their 
> > jobs in controlling our borders.
> > 
> > Help send a message to Congress - to enforce the border, not try to weaken 
> > Arizona's new law.
> > 
> > _Sign the Special ACU Petition. Send Three Messages at Once: 1. Send a 
> > Message that Americans Support Arizona's Governor and Legislature. 2. 
> > Tell Congress Not to Stop Arizona's Tough New Immigration Law 3. Urge other 
> > States to Pass a Similar Law_ 
> > (https://www. digitaldonation. com/donate. aspx?campid= 1293) 
> > 
> > We cannot allow President Obama to demagogue on this issue.
> > 
> > FOXNEWs reported Obama questioned the legal authority for Arizona to 
> > enforce federal law, arguing it would be a violation of civil rights for 
> > state 
> > law enforcement to question the legality of an individual's residency.
> > 
> > No doubt this is just the beginning as left wing groups try to organize 
> > protests against this new law.
> > 
> > We need to stand up for the other side and push back: tell Arizona's 
> > Legislators we support them, tell Congress to keep their hands off this new 
> > state law, tell other states to join in the fight.
> > 
> > _Tell them here and now._ 
> > (https://www. digitaldonation. com/donate. aspx?campid= 1293) 
> > 
> > Together we can send a message that Americans are behind Arizona's new 
> > law.
> > 
> > Sincerely,
> > 
> > Dennis E. Whitfield
> > Executive Vice President, ACU
> > Former Reagan Deputy Secretary of Labor
> > 
> > P.S. The far left wing interest groups think we have fallen asleep on 
> > this issue. It is time to send a message that they are waking a sleeping 
> > giant. Americans want our borders secured! _Send a message here and now._ 
> > (https://www. digitaldonation. com/donate. aspx?campid= 1293) 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > _www.conservative. org_ ( 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --- ACU --- 
> > 
> > .
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > If you no longer wish to receive e-mail from us, please click _here_ 
> > (http://capwiz. com/acu/lmx/ u/?jobid= 147830674& queueid=51195636 56) .
> >

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