The Washington Times was founded in 1982 by Unification Church leader Sun Myung 
Moon[1], who has said that he is the Messiah and the Second Coming of Christ 
and is fulfilling Jesus' unfinished mission.[2][3] 

Bo Hi Pak, Moon's chief aide, was the founding president and the founding 
chairman of the board.[4] In 1996 Moon discussed his reasons for founding the 
Times in an address to a Unification Church leadership conference, saying "That 
is why Father has been combining and organizing scholars from all over the 
world, and also newspaper organizations, in order to make propaganda."[5] 

In 2002 Moon said: "The Washington Times is responsible to let the American 
people know about God" and "The Washington Times will become the instrument in 
spreading the truth about God to the world."

Unification Church will put Washington Times up for sale

--Washington Times executives are negotiating to sell the newspaper, after the 
Rev. Sun Myung Moon's family cut off most of the annual subsidy of about $35 
million that has kept the Unification Church-backed paper afloat, company 
officials said.

Nicholas Chiaia, a member of the paper's two-man board of directors and 
president of the church-supported United Press International wire service, 
confirmed that the paper is actively on the market: "We recently entered into 
discussions with a number of parties interested in either purchasing or 
partnering with the Washington Times," he said in a statement to The Washington 

Current and former Times officials said one suitor has been the paper's former 
executive editor, John Solomon, who resigned in November 2009. Soon thereafter, 
they said, Solomon organized a group of investors to purchase the Times or 
launch a new multimedia outlet called The Washington Guardian. Times company 
officials said they are also in discussions with other potential investors.

Solomon, a former Washington Post reporter, declined to comment.

The negotiations follow months of turmoil at both the 28-year-old conservative 
daily and the business empire founded by Moon, 90, whose children are jostling 
for control over the church's myriad enterprises, which range from fisheries to 
arms manufacturing.

One of Moon's children, Justin Moon, who was chosen by his father to run many 
of the church's Asian businesses, has slashed the newspaper's annual subsidy, 
forcing the paper's executives, led by Moon's eldest son, Preston Moon, to 
search for deep pockets elsewhere. 

Meanwhile, the newspaper has hacked its newsroom staff by more than half, from 
225 in 2002 down to about 70 people, raised the paper's price and deliberately 
shrunk its circulation to cut costs, shed its metro and sports sections, and 
fired or pushed out several top executives, including its publisher earlier 
this week. Several reporters said most of the staffers are seeking to leave.

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