Duveyoung: > I'd rather have the FAR LESSER EVIL of, say, > the KKK winning the next election and making > all non-whites wear a Star of David than have > any BigOil owner allowed the powers right now > being used against the world.... > Informants on FFL, like Edg, won't pass a day without at least one Bush-bash, a queer joke or two, and at least one Jew-bait, and a Texas smear. Edg probably burned at least a gallon of BP originated fuel this morning!
"From an environmental perspective, off-shore oil drilling is far safer than Mother Nature. As the Wall Street Journal noted yesterday, oil that seeps naturally from the ocean floor puts 47 million gallons of crude into U.S. waters annually. Thus far, Deepwater Horizon has leaked about three million gallons..." Read more: 'Time for some oil spill perspective' Washington Examiner, Editorial, May 5, 2010 http://tinyurl.com/266cl6r