BP Effort To Use Dome To Contain Oil Disaster Fails

The Wonk Room has completed its live blogging
<http://wonkroom.thinkprogress.org/tag/oilpocalypse>  from the Gulf

  [Cofferdam]   Efforts to contain the Deepwater Horizon oil gusher with
a 100-ton, four-story concrete-and-steel box have failed, BP officials
announced. The giant box, known as a cofferdam, was lowered onto the
leaking wellhead
OeffAJP>  yesterday, with the intent of pumping the leaking oil up a
pipe to the sea surface a mile above. However, BP Chief Operating
Officer Doug Suttles announced in a press briefing this afternoon that
the dome effort failed. After the cofferdam was lowered onto the leak
site, a slurry of methane crystals formed on the inside of the
dome's surface, making it bouyant and clogging the outtake at the
dome's roof.

The giant box has been moved 200 meters from the disaster site, and is
sitting on the sea bed. BP had anticipated that methane hydrates could
form within the pipework from the dome to the surface, but not within
the dome itself, especially at such a rapid rate.

Suttles, clearly chastened by this setback, had a much less confident
tone about containing the leak than he had at previous press
conferences, such as the one attended on Tuesday by the Wonk Room when
he announced the cofferdam was being shipped out to the disaster site.
"It's very difficult to say whether solutions will work," he

The methane hydrates <https://www.llnl.gov/str/Durham.html>  —
natural gas that under the extreme pressure and low temperatures of the
ocean floor is in a semi-frozen state — have also been implicated in
the oil rig explosion
dtlNyHallMmw> , according to rig worker testimony acquired by the
Associated Press. The liberal blog FireDogLake was the first media
source to discuss the role of hydrates
<http://seminal.firedoglake.com/diary/44349> , noting a presentation
from November, 2009 by Halliburton, who was responsible for cementing
the Deepwater Horizon well, that warned of blowouts caused by hydrate

Destabilization of hydrates during cementing and production in deepwater
environments is a challenge to the safety and economics.

Suttles also admitted that David Rainey, BP's VP for Gulf of Mexico
exploration, was on the rig celebrating its safety record when it blew
up. Although 11 workers were killed, Rainey and the other BP employees
on the rig safely escaped the inferno.

Also during the briefing, Coast Guard Rear Admiral Mary Landry was
unusually optimistic about the preparations being made for the oil that
is just now reaching the shores of Louisiana, but looms closer to the
entire Gulf Coast as each day passes: "We're ready for it."


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