My Amazon Review of "The Manchurian President"

Here's my review of The ManchurianPresident  by WorldNetDaily  writers
Aaron  Klein
-being-criticised-for-whitewashing-israeli-far-right/>  and, Brenda J.
Elliott. I'd love to see this voted the "most  helpful positive review."
It'll be a heavy lift, because we started  late, but please consider
casting a vote once Amazon publishes (It  will be here
merican/dp/1935071874> ).

  [5.0 out of 5 stars]  Tell  that to Poland, May 17, 2010By Gen. JC
Christian, patriot [border-style: none;] 
(Tremonton, UT United  States) - See all my reviews
auth_rev?ie=UTF8&sort_by=MostRecentReview> This review is from: The
Manchurian President: Barack Obama's  Ties to Communists, Socialists and
Other Anti-American Extremists  (Hardcover)Sometimes, you just have to
take things on faith.  We all know in our hearts that Obama is part of a
secret, decades-long  plot to subvert our great nation. Our gut tells us
that America's  enemies raised him to pretend to be an American
Christian so that,  someday, he could seize control of the presidency
and turn us all into  godless reds. Still small voices in our heads
convinced us he's the  Antichrist.

We don't need facts. They are troublesome things that  cause us to think
too deeply about long-held beliefs we find  comforting. Eventually,
after a constant bombardment of facts, our  ability to maintain
cognitive dissonance breaks down and we do too. From  there, it's only a
short baggage cart ride to buying naked massages  from a rent-boy we
hired on the internets tubes.

Thank God the  authors of The Manchurian President  protected us from
such a fate by writing the kind of book we want to  read. A fact-less
book that doesn't make us think. A book that appeals  to our cherished,
god-given ignorance and bigotry.

Of course, the  more factually-inclined media hates The  Manchurian
President. Their responses to the book's publicist include  lines like
enounces-terrible-reviews/> : "Ridiculous crap" (New York Daily News,)
"Absolute  crap" (Huffington Post,) "Never, ever contact me again" (Time
Magazine,)  "Sensational rubbish" (Newsweek,)"Seriously, get a life"

Granted,  the book isn't perfect. It leaves out a major piece of the
Obama  story--the part where Josef Mengele cloned Obama from Hitler's
nasal  swipes. I'm surprised the authors missed it. Megele's
pigmentation  camouflage techniques notwithstanding, Obama is the
spitting image of  Hitler--same eyes, same hair, same mouth, same
nose--it's striking.

Some  might say it's a minor omission given all the other things the
authors  expose, but to them, I say, "Tell that to Poland."

Gen. JC Christian, Patriot\

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