First signs of thick oil found in Plaquemines marshlandsBy Chris 
Kirkham, The Times-Picayune
<>   May 19, 2010,
6:54PM  [oil-pass-a-loutre.JPG] Photos by Ted Jackson /  The
Times-PicayuneGov. Bobby Jindal and  Plaquemines Parish President Billy
Nungesser tour the oily waters of the  Roseau Grasses, which mark the
coastline of southeast Louisiana at Pass  a Loutre at the mouth of the
Mississippi River, on Wednesday.

After weeks of estimates, countless models and hundreds of boat 
excursions seeking hints of oil in Louisiana's marshes, a bleak picture 
began to emerge this week as the first signs of thick, dark oil from the
Gulf of Mexico oil  spill  <>
could be seen blanketing a patch of marsh grass near the mouth  of the
Mississippi River.

At the eastern reaches of the delta, where Pass a Loutre meets open 
water, dark brown oil was covering an entire patch of cane grass on 
Wednesday. On the open water, a dark-brown tint could be seen on grasses
just above the water's surface.

A few feet inside the marsh grass, where the currents move the water 
less, there was a thick coating of oil -- much different from the 
random, smaller clumps of oil or thin sheens seen during the past two 
weeks across Louisiana's coastline.

"This is a small area," said Plaquemines Parish President Billy 
Nungesser. "If this comes in in waves and goes farther inland into the 
marsh, we'll be 25 to 30 years, if ever, recovering from this."

Nungesser and Gov. Bobby Jindal were at the site Wednesday as  part of a
continued push to get the Army Corps of Engineers to approve  -- and BP
to pay for -- the construction of barrier islands offshore to  intercept
the oil before it moves into the state's fragile wetland  ecosystems.

  [oil-fishing-net.JPG] Gov. Bobby Jindal holds  up a fishing net
dripping with oil.
"This oil  is already here in these passes, this damage has been done,"
Jindal  said. "What we do not want is for this oil to get farther into
our  wetlands, farther into our marshes. "We need this approved, without
delay. I want see this approved today."

  [oil-bottle.JPG] A hand holds a bottle dipped  into the oily waters of
Pass a Loutre.
Jindal  said that within seven to 10 days, the thick oil standing in
marshes  like Pass a Loutre will eventually lead to discoloration of the
marsh  grass and, potentially, lead to its death. Cleaning the marshes
once oil  gets inside is also a challenge, because heavy-duty equipment
could do  more long-term damage to the habitat than just letting the oil
dissipate  on its own.

"A lot of this oil, I suspect they'll end up leaving it back in  there,
and over time hoping that it degrades," Jindal said. "The problem  for
us, though, is that those species don't have time, those young Gulf 
species don't have time. They've got nowhere else to go. The damage has 
already been done."

Nungesser had an even more stern assessment.

"Everything that that blanket of oil is covering today will die,"  he
said. "All of the bugs that the fish come in to eat, all of the 
critters in the marsh will die. And that marsh will die. There's no way 
to clean it up."

Oil has also washed up on the sandy shoreline west of South Pass  in
Plaquemines Parish.

Jindal and Nungesser have been putting pressure on the corps to approve 
the emergency dredging permit to build up the sand barriers
rrier_island_plan.html>  that  the state filed late last Tuesday. They
said Wednesday that they had  been told by the corps it could be
approved by the end of the week, but  they had no official time

A corps spokesman, Ken Holder, said in an e-mail statement  Wednesday
that the corps must still comply with National Environmental  Policy Act
procedures, and that the corps is seeking comments from  various
resource agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency  and the
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, among others.

"We are currently evaluating all of this information for  potential
environmental impacts, as required under NEPA," Holder said in  the
e-mail message. The corps could not provide any estimates of when  or if
the permit would be approved.

There's also no official word on whether BP will front the  estimated
$350 million cost, and possibly more, of constructing the  nearly
90-mile chain of sand barriers extending east and west of the 
Mississippi delta. Jindal said he expects the corps to approve the 
permit as soon as possible, and for the Coast Guard to push BP to fund 
the project.

BP is responsible for the oil cleanup.

"Once we get the corps permit, my expectation is that the Coast  Guard
is going to force BP -- they should force BP -- to do this,"  Jindal
said. "It really doesn't matter to me whether BP wants to or not. 
They're the responsible party. It is their obligation to help protect 
this coast."
More photos at link [scroll down]:\

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