Benjamin Creme discusses the emergence of Maitreya, The World Teacher
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The Master's article for
Share International magazine,
May 2010 Men awaken to Maitreya
by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme, 11 April 2010

>From now, men will take more seriously the idea that help is at hand,
that they are not alone, not without aid in their grief and
helplessness. Recent events have brought again to humanity the hope
that, at the point of their greatest need, when they had all but
relinquished hope of succour, somehow their prayers would be answered
and their pain assuaged. So potent has been the response to the essence
of Maitreya's words, however quietly or obliquely uttered, that many
already feel heartened and reassured that all will be well, that the
future for men will be just and kind, even better than they dared to
hope. Many are already beginning to doubt that this man is really
`one of us', but is someone sent from above to answer their call
for help, and to ease their burden. Many, doubtless, find His words
unhelpful and obstructive to their desires, but many more, by far, sense
the simple truth of His ideas, and await eagerly their fruition. Thus,
quietly and steadily does Maitreya aid the plight of men. Some have
already recognized Him and pray to Him. Others are glad to hear aloud
the answers to their many problems and await the opportunity to play a
part in their solution.


Thus do the simple words of Maitreya echo through the world. Thus do
they awaken in men the hope of renewal. Where enough men are so awakened
and ready for change Maitreya will increase the tempo and energy of His
delivery and galvanize millions to call for action on their own behalf.
Men must understand that action must come from themselves, else nothing
new can happen. Where men realize this they will act, spontaneously and
with hearts ablaze with hope. So will it be, and so will men fulfil
their destiny and create the better framework for the new age which
opens before them.


Maitreya is at the beginning only of His task to guide men into right
relationship; but already He finds that His words encourage, and soon
will galvanize, millions to act and claim their destiny, not through
revolution but through revelation of their own divinity.

(Read more articles by the Master)

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