This is so not right:
EPA: Use a dispersant that is less toxic.
BP: Screw you. Corexit is on your approved list and the Coast Guard said we can 
use it so it doesn't rise to the surface where you'll SEE it. So what if we get 
miles of underwater plumes. Plumes, shlumes. Big deal. Besides, we got a 
sweetheart deal from our cronies who manufacture Corexit.
EPA: Good point. How about banning you from contracts with the government?
BP: Nope. You'll have to do a study first.
EPA: Good idea.
BP: Take a year or two, maybe five. By that time everyone will have forgotten 
we killed the oceans and they can blame it on you.
EPA: Good point. How about President Obama, finger wagger in chief, scolds you 
with a little righteous anger.
BP: Ooo...scary!

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