> The "bottom line," in a spiritual context...
You failed to define the word 'spiritual'.
Maybe you have not thought this through.

"...those of a more 'New-Age' disposition see 
spirituality as the active connection to some 
force/power/energy/spirit, facilitating a sense 
of a deep self."

So, for you, the bottom line is a belief in a 
'spiritual world' of 'spirits' or 'souls', and 
in the spiritual context, you believe that 
every individual has a personal soul-monad, a 
self, that is somehow connected to all the 
other spirit-souls in the universe? 

And, you believe that the spiritual entities, 
the soul-monads, are *exactly* the same as the 
Great Soul Spirit, the Self.

"...of or relating to supernatural beings or 


> I accept *nothing* as "inherently and 
> indisputably cool."
Except that you believe in the individual soul 
spirits and the Great Soul Spirit, which you 
think is an indisputably cool belief. 

So, how many souls are there in the universe? 

There must be billions of them. But, there is 
only one Great Soul Spirit? Does that make any 

Why would there not be a Great Soul Spirit for 
every individual soul-spirit?

> Is that bad?
Only if you believe in the spirit-world but then
try to deny it, and then cast aspersions on 
others who do not believe in soul-spirits like 
you believe in them - that's bad.

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