Wilton Windmill, nr Wilton, Wiltshire. Reported 22nd May.
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Updated Sunday 23rd May 2010
DIAGRAMS <http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/2010/wilton/diagrams.html> 
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22/05/10 22/05/10 23/05/10 00/00/10 23/05/10 23/05/10


Binary-ASCII coding within the new crop picture at Wilton Windmill

01100101     e

01011110     ^

00101000     (

01101000     h

01101001     i

00101001     )

01110000     p

01101001     i

00101001     )

00110001     1

00111101     =

00110000     0

Read each 8-bit ASCII character from inside to out, starting along a
double tramline which points towards a nearby windmill, using bars = 1
or spaces = 0.

Then proceed clockwise until all twelve 8-bit characters have been read.

In order to read a second duplicate set of binary digits, use bars = 0
or spaces = 1.

Three Relevant Equations

Euler Identity                  e^(i)pi+1=0

Crop ASCII                    e^(hi)pi)1=0

Crop ASCII corrected     e^(hi)pi+1=0

The ASCII code for right parentheses ")" differs by just one
digit from plus "+", so that is possibly what was meant.

Photographic credit to Lucy Pringle, or decoding credit to "Grail

CMM Research

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It seems like the Wilton Windmill circle could be decoded by using the
windmill itself as a key. We got 4 crossings of the windmill... so the
12 sections of the crop circle become 3 main groups. Each ASCII row of
the 3 groups become a byte. Possibly leading to a deeper level to
decode. The crop circle is spinning clockwise - so that might be the
direction to read the code from section to section. As the crop circle
might be connected to the windmill as a key to decode it, the angle of
the entry section is probably the same angle of the stairs of the
windmill (props to pjw). It also seems to have a DNA connection as there
are 4 elements used in each section (no line, left line, right line and
left + right line) just like the 4 basic elements of the DNA: Adenine,
Thymine, Guanine, Cytosine. Leaving further decoding to all gr8
researchers out there ;-)


I would think that again our ancient roots are of high importance here.
After the other three formations at the ancient sites it seems that
ancestral culture might be the crop circle-theme for 2010.

This new formation seems to contain the old Ogham writing. I show two
examples of the alphabet here so that everybody can try to encipher the
presumable code message. On my web-page (only Dutch unfortunately) you
can find some more: http://home.kpn.nl/sarne023/04b.html
  [Follow the Countryside Code whilst visiting Crop Circles] 

It's just a hunch, but I wouldn't be one bit surprised if this
somehow relates to the fact that we have just created actual artificial
life for the first time. For those that missed it - just Google it.
It's been all over the news on the 22nd - same date. This one from
the BBC - science_and_environment

"For the first time ever, we are truly "playing God" , was
the quote from one of the scientists. Artificially created DNA was
placed in a separate bacteria and we literally created a new organism.

Now, if the circle makers saw enough importance and relevance in the
Swine Flu virus to give us an impression of that last year, how much
more important is the fact that we have now "created life" and
made ourselves "like unto God"? Virtual "gods", as it
were. To quote Dr Frankenstein, "It lives! It lives!"

Scary stuff... Without a doubt. And a bona fide milestone.

Such a step might surely elicit comment from our friends, it is more
than reasonable to suspect.

I see the initial CD impression. But then I see slices, a pizza with 12
slices - to be read either in sequence (where is the starting point?) or
- and I have a real "urge" to do this - to stack them, one on
top of the other. I don't know why.

And I also see, not slices, but "rays" emanating out from the
centre and a curious 3D effect, I think. I also want very much to spin
it. To centre Andreas Mueller's diagram and make it spin. Very
evenly, set times and revolutions. Very visual I suspect. Even

Also, from the aerial shots, there appears to be a weave or patterning
in the wide, outer, main ring.

Thank you to those on the ground and in the air.

Glenn Lawrence


I was on Richard C. Hoagland's Facebook page and a fan of his may have
decoded what the Wilton Crop Circle means. Hoagland states that the gold
record that was on Voyager had communications of who we are and where we
are at and that someone may be trying to contact us in return!! 
Remember that Voyager was the one where the signal was tampered with and
sent back code that was not understood?  I think someone is trying to
tell us something!!!!!!!!!!!!

When decoded in Binary it means this:

Which when converted into ASCII gives us:      e^(hi)pi)1=0
ALL CREDIT TO Rich Hoyle for solving this code.

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