--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Hugo" <fintlewoodle...@...> wrote:
> http://www.techeye.net/internet/woman-says-3d-porno-made-her-pregnant

Possibly the month. :-)

Too good not to follow up on, because it's so well written:

> US military man Erick Jhonson came home from a stint in Iraq to 
> find that his wife was pregnant. Clearly he assumed she had an 
> affair, but his wife Jennifer claims the "other man" was actually 
> someone a little less physical.
> It seems he actually buys her story, however. "I see it as 
> suspicious. The films in 3D are very real. With today's 
> technology, anything is possible," he said.

Beep Hagelin. We've found someone who might believe his
explanations of Yogic Flying.  

> What's even more interesting is that both Jennifer and Erick are 
> white, but the child is black. Jeniffer claims the kid looks like 
> the black pornstar she had been ogling. She also claims this was 
> one of the first times she's watched porn and only went with 
> friends for the 3D effect. TechEye did a survey of one person 
> and found 100 percent would say the same thing in a similar 
> situation.

Just had to post this paragraph because I love the last
sentence.  Besides, the line has worked at least once in 
history, for a woman who claimed that an Angel Of The Lord 
was the father of her kid. Why would a 3D porn star be less 
believable?  :-)

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