do.rflex wrote:
> --- In, Mike Dixon <mdixon.6...@...> wrote:
>> Good for them!!!!!!!!!! Nothing like being saddled with other people's debts 
>> and being their *slaves*Â to make you worry about your own future. It's 
>> about time a new generation return to living according to *natural law* 
>> i.e. evolution,  survival of the fittest, allowing the cream to rise to 
>> the top, freedom! Of course this leads to so much prosperity that once 
>> again, the next generation will have too much free time and again begin to 
>> ponder if they can organize life better than nature. Kudos to the*me 
>> generation*, God bless you!
> Yes, yes! Let's live like animals! I'll get mine and fuck everybody else! 
> There is no morality but selfishness! Greed and selfishness is good! 
> Caring for others is for suckers and losers! Compassion is evil! 

Not to mention that what the article describes is also  the classic 
definition of a psychopath.  Is that what is coming up?  A generation of 
psychopaths?  Maybe that is what is needed for the coming road warrior 

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