Slow Politics

Posted: 03 Jun 2010 03:59 AM PDT

Britain's dealing with a Conservative Prime Minister in a coalition
with Liberal Democrats. Rather than steamrolling through the aggressive
(and regressive) plans for change that he'd initially penned, David
Cameron has to negotiate a little with the Lib Dems. Just a little,
mind. It's not like he's having to discuss this with folk who
are fierce ideological opponents. Liberalism once had some fairly
impressive views about social change and the evils of private property
<>  but
today, Liberal Democrats are Conservatives' super-ego: they'll
moralise, opine, quake and then let the free market do its thing. But at
least there's the illusion of a coalition government, in which tough
ideological differences need to be overcome.

The New Statesman
nisters>  recently carried a piece which drew on my treatment of
Zapatista politics, of what I called `Slow Politics'. Michel
Bauwens at the P2P Foundation <>  asked
whether I could make the discussion available and so, for what it's
worth, here are the few relevant pages from The Value of Nothing. Be
warned, though. There's little here that Cameron and Clegg might be
able to adopt. Changing the tempo of the LibDem-Conservative coalition
is unlikely to change its politics. What the Zapatista's demand is
something altogether more democratic, something that treats property
relations very differently, and asks much more from citizens than simply
for patience while their leaders sort things outÂ….

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