nablusoss1008 wrote:
> --- In, nablusoss1008 <no_re...@...> wrote:
>> --- In, "yifuxero" <yifuxero@> wrote:
>>> Nope...not going to happen.  Look to DUNE and other Sci Fi sources (such as 
>>> some of the Star Treks); to observe various economic models of those on the 
>>> futuristic earth and other planets.  Even in the most austere of 
>>> conditions, barter economies will remain (being a "primitive" type of 
>>> capitalism). Today in the US, barter arrangements are more popular than 
>>> ever, some groups even sanctioned by banks. The exchanges involved trading 
>>> time (donate your hours of expertise to the group in exchange for time 
>>> credits that you can draw upon for the skills of other members).
>>> The most advanced system of economics is (of course) in the Feringi planet; 
>>> all ardent capitalists and skilled traders.
>> You are right. And bartering does not rape nations or cultures, it simply 
>> fulfills a need of peoples without the need for money.
> Which ofcourse is the end of capitalism :-)

I get so fed up with the abuses of capitalism I wouldn't mind seeing it 
all go away.  Seems like karmic justice.  It's easily gamed by 
confidence men and so many of the giant megabusinesses operate like 
organized crime and probably VERY intentionally.  Over the years I've 
watched corporate execs adopt whatever they can get away with including 
drug dealer oriented business models (very popular in the US, just look 
at Comcast cable).   And this wasn't from my armchair but sometimes 
sitting in a boardroom.  It's cutthroat capitalism that needs to be 
abolished.  Small business is okay but these giant companies are just 
dinosaurs behaving like Frankenstein monsters.  And they aren't needed 
anymore because you can even build a Boeing jet without manufacturing 
all the parts (as a recent online report pointed out).  These days such 
companies "assemble" parts from other vendors.  So you could even have 
regional or local car assembly plants, possibly franchised ones.

Barter won't work because it is too inconvenient.  People will still 
want some convenient medium of exchange.  That's why currency came into 
being.  What you may want to resist is running on totally electronic 
funds which they keep trying to sell you in sci-fi movies.  Problem is 
if they don't like you for some reason you can be shut off and maybe 
even starve to death.

BTW, those without Facebook accounts can't see those pages (and I'm not 
going to get one just to see them).

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