WillyTex wrote:
> Bhairitu:
>> The best thing that could happen would 
>> be if a bunch of Robin Hoods stole it 
>> from them...
> Why do almost all of your solutions depend 
> on anarchy and violence? 
Sometimes you have the fight fire with fire.  Given the current economic 
situation it may be the only thing that will work. I don't see the 
establishment giving over control any time soon.
> You sound really angry about your economic 
> circumstances. Why not just get a job and 
> make some of your own money? That way, you
> could contribute to the common good like
> Bill Gates does, and donate some of your
> money to a good cause. For example, if you 
> had an earned income, you could pay your 
> fair share of income taxes and help support 
> social welfare programs. That seems much 
> more sensible than robbing rich people.

Let's see I just bought a new computer for business reasons.  Doesn't 
quite sound like I'm in dire straits does it?  If it doesn't fall apart 
I've got a lucrative project going at the moment at a time when other 
software developers are flipping burgers or selling shoes.

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