--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, m2smart4u2000 <no_re...@...> wrote:
> http://bignews.biz/?id=880612&pg=1&keys=astrologer-vedicastrology-Van
> Joran Andreas Petrus van der Sloot (born August 6, 1987 at 10:38 PM in 
> Arnhem, Netherlands) is a Dutch national who lived in Aruba. He is charged in 
> US related to the whereabouts of Natalee Holloway, who disappeared in Aruba 
> on May 30, 2005, and is the main suspect in the murder investigation of 
> Stephany Flores Ramirez, who died on May 30, 2010, in Lima Peru, exactly five 
> years after Holloway's disappearance. 
> According to Vedic Astrology Joran is a Pisces ascendant ruled by Jupiter, 
> with ascendant degree at 6 degrees 54 minutes. The ascendant lord of an 
> astrology chart tells a lot about the character of a person, whether a person 
> is a killer or a criminal or a thief or a business person or a spiritual 
> person. When the Ascendant lord in any astrology chart is connected with the 
> Badhaka (obstruction) house, 8th house & 12th house through constellations 
> (nakshatras), and is placed in that part of the zodiac ruled by planets which 
> are significators of Badhaka house, 8th house and 12th house, the person will 
> be a killer, a criminal or a thief, and will not be fair to other people in 
> their dealings. Since Joran is a Pisces ascendant, so the 7th house of 
> relationships is a Badhaka house in his astrology chart. The Ascendant lord 
> Jupiter is in Ketu's constellation, and Ketu is placed in the Badhaka house 
> in Mercury's sign. Ketu is in 7th house, it represents Mercury the Badhaka 
> planet, and Mercury is in 12th lord Saturn's constellation. Ketu is in 5th 
> house lord Moon's constellation, which represents sex and love affairs. As 
> the ascendant lord Jupiter is connected with Badhaka house, 12th house, and 
> 5th house at same time so the astrology chart clearly indicates Joran is a 
> killer, and is involved in sex trade profession.
> For Pisces ascendant Mercury rules the 7th house which is the Badhaka house, 
> a killer house. Venus rules 8th house of punishment, and Saturn rules 12th 
> house of confinement. In Joran's astrology chart almost every planet is 
> either in Mercury's constellation or Saturn's constellation or Venus's 
> constellation, the three evil planets for Pisces ascendant. This indicates 
> the person will be a killer, a very unfortunate person in life, and will 
> spend considerable amount of time in confinement. In order for a person to 
> spend time in prison, the significators of 3rd house (leaving one's home), 
> 8th house (punishment by law, fine), 12th house (confinement), and of course 
> the significators of Badhaka house must operate in their lifetime through 
> mahadasha, Bhukti & Anthara. Joran has many planets in his astrology chart 
> connected with these houses. Joran was going through Venus mahadasha (3rd & 
> 8th lord in the constellation of 12th lord Saturn), Mercury bhukti (Badhaka 
> planet in the constellation of 12th lord Saturn), and Saturn anthara (12th 
> lord in the constellation of badhaka lord Mercury), when he was arrested in 
> connection with the disappearance of Natalee Halloway in May/June 2005. 
> Finally he came out of Prison in December 2007 for lack of enough evidence, 
> when Joran entered Mars bhukti in Nov 2007. Planet Mars saved him last time 
> as Mars is the best planet for Pisces ascendant because it rules 2nd, and 9th 
> house . Then Joran remain outside prison during Rahu and Jupiter Bhukti's in 
> Sun mahadasha, as Jupiter is the ascendant lord and Rahu is in Jupiter sign. 
> Last year in November Joran came under the influence of Saturn Bhukti, the 
> ruler of 12th house in Badhaka planet Mercury's constellation. Moon anthara, 
> the significator of 3rd and 8th house operated in Mercury's Bhutki starting 
> May 31st, 2010 when Joran became the main suspect in the murder investigation 
> of Stephany Flores Ramirez, who died on May 30, 2010.
> This time Joran is in deep trouble because he is in Saturn bhukti, the ruler 
> of 12th house in Badhaka planets Mercury's constellation, and transit Saturn 
> is aspecting the transit Jupiter, the ruler of Joran's Pisces ascendant at 
> this moment. Transit Saturn is going to aspect transit Jupiter couple of 
> times until March 2011. So this will be a difficult time for Joran, and the 
> planetary energy is indicating prison time for him. Transit Saturn will 
> aspect natal Jupiter, the ascendant lord in the months of Nov/Dec 2011, a 
> very bad time.

With that staggering amount of knowledge gleaned simply from
a birthdate you should be able to give us a rather good prediction
about the eventual outcome. Care to put something in writing? 

And was this guy tracked down because of his horoscope? And 
couldn't you have predicted and prevented the crime in the first place? 
Otherwise what possible use is it other than as a kind of 
New-age Philip K Dick movie, Through a Minority Jyotishee Boredly

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