I've been saying the same thing for days. STFU about Obama's demeanor! I don't 
CARE! That's not the story, damn it! The story is, "What is he DOING to get 
more skimmers, save the wetlands, clean the beaches, and ban Corexit?  

Obama is going to meet Tony Hayward in the Oval office on Wednesday. It's such 
a stale setting for a photo-op. Kick it up a notch. They should go to Grand 
Isle for two days, put on hazmat suits and do an 8 hour shift picking up 
tarballs the first day and then clean oil drenched animals the next day. Now, 
THAT would be DOING something. Maybe it would inspire then to have an little 
more empathy for the disastrous impact the BP leak has had on the environment 
and the on lives of the people who live there.

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