God is objective and scientific

according to theoretical  physicist Dr Amit Goswami, PhD :

  "It's objective and it's scientific. You can call it God if you
want, but you don't have to. Quantum consciousness will do.
Nonlocality, tangled hierarchy, and discontinuity: these signatures of
quantum consciousness have been independently verified by leading
researchers worldwide. This experimental data and its conclusions inform
us that it is the mistaken materialist view that is at the center of
most of our worlds problems today. To address these problems, we now
have a science of spirituality that is fully verifiable and

>From :     http://www.amitgoswami.org/ <http://www.amitgoswami.org/>

Let me clarify that I don't know if I subscribe to Goswami POV 100%
in details, because I have not studied him thoroughly & because it is my
POV that each of us( 7billion) has a unique POV just as no two
snowflakes are alike; of course there are similarities and groups of
agreement will form etcÂ…

now for my( anatol's ) perspective:

As in religion, so in science there is not one body of knowledge out
there with the idealistic imaginative concepts that the devotees of
science have about it. As in religion, these devotees have not really
delved into it much but rather cling to their idealistic imaginative
concepts about science, or religion. And so we have the current new
religion called science.

But, again as in religion, science cannot exist without the scientists,
the new priests of the new religion. So, above I have given a link to
one of the interesting scientists, perhaps a mystic just as there are
mystics in the fields of religion and spirituality who share the real
eternal universal principles both by word and experience.

When I was a physicist, 39 years ago, I would wonder how can people
understand anything about life and the universe without having the
understating that is available to scientists in terms of math, formulas,
principles, logic. But, when at age 31, my first huge personal problem
arose, plunging me into deep depression, my physics was useless. I went
to the university psychologist and wondered if I had studied the wrong
science? But just for a short time, because it was only of little help.

But what really helped, were these miraculous things:

1)    Very long walks and watching my thoughts unravel, all the good the
bad and the ugly with some insights

2)    Reading J. Krishnamurti's "Think on These Things"
which not only transformed my deep depression into  "joy without a
reason" sort of like "the peace that passeth all
understanding" ; there definitely was some shift in my perception of
life and world, a lot more really then physics did

3)    Starting TM, immediately I had excess to a more peaceful  mind

4)    Spending one month with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi; the feeling was
"don't know if what he says is valid; but, definitely know that
I am experiencing something new which I can only call "love" not
personal, hard to define, like some presence that is just there, not
thoughts in the head, a very subtle feeling  but more real then the
gross field of perceptions

5)    Several months later experience of awareness resting in the heart
without thoughts; just peace and love; the love was so intense had to be
God's Love as in "God is Love." This definitely was
experiential proof  of the spiritual principle "God is Love" as
real as any physics experiment, actually a lot more real

So that is how I went from studying the science of physics to not only
studying but also living the science of spirituality, the only science
that includes all the other sciences. So, from this perspective, I can
appreciate all the other fields of knowledge, from material science to
art, music, poetry or whatever as each being valid but not superior to
another; no competition; nothings wins unless all win; if only one wins,
sure disaster as in oil spill

The ultimate quest, whether spiritual, philosophical or scientific, is
"Who the heck Am I?"

Thanks for listening.

Om Namah Sivaya,


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