>From the "foreword" of Bhoja-vRtti:

pata~njalimuneruktiH kaapyapuurvaa jayatyasau .
puMprakR^ityorviyogo.api yoga ityudito yayaa .. 3..

Attempt at sandhi-vigraha:

pata~njali-muneH; uktiH kaapya-puurvaa(H?) jayati; asau .
**puM-prakRityoH; viyogaH api yogaH; iti**; uditaH; yayaa .. 3..

Could the emphasized sequence mean:

yoga is separation (vi-yoga) of spirit (pumaMs) and prakriti??

  viyoga m. separation, division, loss of [...]

  pumaMs ({pu3s}) m. a man or male, a word in the masculine gender (g.); 
man=human being; servant, attendant; the soul, spirit.

  puMs  2 m. (the strong cases from %{pumAns} [cf. Pa1n2. 7-1 , 89] ;

  puM   1 in comp. for 2. %{puMs}.

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