Define Spiritual Experience?

TurquoiseB asks the question.  I wonder how long this question has been
asked and debated. Ten thousand years maybe?  Probably more. Groups on
the internet have been debating it ever since the advent of cyberspace
and groups. However.

What does the word spiritual mean? To me it simply means profound,
wondrous and illuminating. All experience is that to me.   The only
experience which is not spiritual is dreamless sleep, but given that
dreamless sleep is not an actual experience then that makes every
experience as being spiritual for me at least. All we ever have is
experience, no matter where it takes place, transcendent or imminent; in
Time or in Eternity.  I have no care or interest as to what others
define it as. Also defining something limits it and segregates. Needless
to say some experiences are far more common than others; and some folks
may call some experiences (such as washing nappies and bathing the baby)
as mundane by virtue of which. And yes indeed some experiences are more
breath taking and mind-blowing than others. But they are all a part of
the spectrum of as to what exists to be experienced by the observer of
the observed.

As one of those odd-balls who throughout all life since the age of three
has had spontaneous `mystical and psychic' experiences, and
documented them for the record to be shared with anyone who may be
interested; and also never having belonged to any religion or belief
system and never following any man or any book, then hindsight of fifty
years of writing books on it and communicating it has left me bereft of
ever wanting to talk to people again about such things, for it is just
not worth the effort and the time involved.  And it was even they who
asked on to write about in the first place would you believe.  Everybody
is right; except you the writer (me in this case) so you (me) is the
only one who is wrong. So why bother.  Life taught me without any
problems so let it teach them.  And if it does not teach them (or they
refuse to learn which is more the case) then tough luck. As to the
perennial questions such as What am I; From whence do I come and why,
(and which the deepest transcendent mystical experiences address) then
let them get on with it. Go for a pint of beer in the garden alone and
forget the bloody lot of their silly arguing. Listen to the birds, for
they make better `music' than the white noise of silly
nauseating human bickering, and bang bang you are dead type nonsense.
They are each AT where they are each AT. But life goes on.

As for invoking or forcing such mystical and transcendent experiences by
way of rituals, drugs, meditation or whatever else then it is not for me
to say because I have never done any of that; these things just come.
However, many folks claim that they do. So be it in which case, although
I see very little evidence of it by way of what they say. But I
don't care either way whether they do or whether they don't.

Dick Richardson <>

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