The End of Days wasn't The End of Days.

An adventure, of sortsÂ…..

In the Second, or Parallel Entry.

             As I said... this was no star, it is a hole with light
shining out of it, and I am damn well falling in to it.... I am going
into it.... Wow !

I did not actually experience going into the white light; I must have
blinked or something.  One instant I was about to enter it and the next
instant I was inside of it.  I was inside some kind of bubble - a bit
like a cobweb eggshell, or one of those string lamp shades that gather
all the dust.  I was aware of myself inside this thing; like an embryo
in an egg of some kind; or shell.  It was the first time that I could
actually see anything of myself since all this began.  I was somehow
sitting all cramped up like a bloody chicken in an egg; wondering as to
what was on the outside which was so bright; and as to what the hell was
going on now.  But thinking did not come easy at that point, and perhaps
simply more instinctive than rational thinking.  But I could still think
somehow.  Beyond this `bubble' which I was cooped up in was a pure
radiance of brilliant and dazzling white light.  A blinding light.   Not
the soft gentle white light that I had previously been in prior to this.

I had an instinctive urge of wanting to scratch my way out of this
bubble or whatever it was, or at least see as to what was outside of it.
But there was no form to scratch at.  I could not touch anything even
though I seemed to have some kind of physical form of some kind.  I
think it must have been simply too bright and blinding to see properly. 
I suddenly realised that the light was getting brighter and even
brighter by the second; blinding and more blinding all the time. Or
perhaps more light was getting in through the mesh of this thing
somehow. I began to see something - or more true to say `know'
something: but what is it... I'm not sure...  No, no no it can't be...
it is... good grief almighty... the thing outside... it is... it is ME !
(With that thought, that event, that vision and knowledge - I was dead;
gone; finished).  I saw no form of anything other than brilliant and
blinding light yet I knew that something outside was myself; it was made
obvious; axiomatic; absolute knowledge.  My being, my consciousness,
started spinning, swooning somehow, spinning in a giddiness like a
vortex of water going down a bath plug hole: a vortex of self existence
diminishing into nothingness.  I knew that my bubble was disintegrating
in the light... and so was I...  I am going... I am being damn well
annihilated, melted down, disintegrating, burnt out, annihilated.  It
came to pass that everything ended; everything had gone; and I was gone.
I and the universe were no more.  It was the end of time.

*       *       *

  But that was only back to the beginning. There was more.


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