thx, Pema Chodron actually made the network news last Sunday CBS or NBC - I 
forgot which.  This type of "how to manage your emotions" Buddhism doesn't 
appeal to me.  Her message seems to be: if you have a negative emotion, embrace 
it somehow.  Those New-Age types of approaches never worked for me but some 
people are into it. 

I'm mainly into (besides regular mediation); karma busting techniques I've 
learned from Lama Zopa.

Willytex, I object to your lumping all of the various people together in the 
same demographic group with Lama Zopa.  As stated before, he offers a whole 
spectrum of Buddhist chants encompassing the pure Wisdom approach to emptiness; 
along with mantras designed to offset suffering due to every conceivable 
material cause.

Judging by his books, Facebook and Twitter pages, he spends a lot of time 
personally answering questions put to him by almost anybody.
A typical inquiry might come (for example) from somebody stuck in a prison, 
asking how to protect himself.  Being very skillful in "expedient means", 
naturally, the Lama will prescribe a mantric remedy appropriate to that 
particular person's problem.
Most of the Neo-Advaitins otoh, simply say "Being" for everything. That goes 
for Chopra.
Willytex, you simply are not "listening".  I have two of Karunamayi's audios: 
Gayatri and Mahamritunjaya mantras.  Generally speaking, the Neo-Advaitins are 
NOT into mantras and the chanting thereof.
Therefore, you're placement of Karunamayi into the same basket of Neo-Advaitic 
characters shows evidence of some innate disturbance in your mind; the nature 
of which escapes me at the moment, as to the cause.  

-- In, "WillyTex" <willy...@...> wrote:
> Another 'satsang' type. A Neo-Advaitin, just like 
> Amma, Nisargadatta, Balsekar, and the Awake Downers.
> Throw in a little Zopa and some Pema Chodron.
> yifuxero:
> > from
> >

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