Re memories of times past
[ Yes! Great fun! More, more!!! Love, Hillary ]
:- ))) That email brought quite a lot of feed-back.  I don't know, it is
bloody amazing innit, you write about these off the beaten track
experiences which reveal parts of us which are not too readily
accessible yet profound and most pooh-pooh it all and laugh at it, and
yet when writing about common daily events in ones life they want more
:- ))) I doubt very much that my normal daily life is any more
interesting than anybody else's, and some folks lives are far more
interesting. The only biography that I can remember reading (because it
was the only one I read) was Winni Churchill's.  I never liked the guy
because he was a Capitalist and aristocratic bastard, but I did like him
really, he was so funny, and he had the opportunity to do a few things.
And he smoked a cigar whilst eating his dinner :- )  And during the war
of course he did have what it took to motivate and inspire people –
bit of a magician :- )

But as for us normal bods, well I don't know, it is all much of a
muchness isn't it. Even if I began telling a story of past times to any
of the children or grandchildren they would all run out screaming –
boring boring boring ! :- )  Never once, ever, have any of them asked to
hear about anything. I used to ask my gran what it was like living in
that huge family of sailors back in the eighteen hundreds and I was dead
interested.  Oh well !

But in one sense I tend to agree with the implication of what you are
saying, in that I find normal daily life on earth to be MORE PROFOUND
than swanning around in that transcendent paradesium. My vote, like my
feet, are ON THE GROUND. I guess that makes me an odd odd-ball :- )
Unlike religionists I would not thank the forces that shape our being
for what it is going to do but for what it has done, and not for
paradise, but for the earth and FREEDOM.  I wonder if there is another
odd odd-ball like me around :- ) I doubt it. I keep telling them that a
day in the fields of gold with a lover is far better than paradise. They
are both real, but one is in the flesh, and it is fleeting, and the
other isn't.  No, let them have paradise I will have the earth. If there
is anything `magic' in existence IT IS HERE AND NOW.  And it doesn't
take money to love life and have fun.  They don't get it do they.  What
do you want to hear about old mate?


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