Excitation to the Nth Degree

I have always told it, it is all about movement and repose, movement and
repose, and Excitation take place both in movement and in repose, and in
Time and in Eternity. Was I kicked around the Cosmos? Was I dragged? Did
I go of my own accord? Tell you the truth I don't really know and I
don't care, for it makes no difference to the effect and the living
of it.

But let us forget for now all the mystical and transcendent journey bits
and stick with daily life. What was the best bit?  The highest octane
bit? It cannot be answered for there was not one, most of it was like
it. But, keep in mind that Excitation can and does take place in the
quiet times as well as the busy and exciting times.  Flying high in a
balloon or flying a helicopter, no difference to me than sitting around
the fire alone on yuletide eve when the kids have gone to bed and one
contemplates on their excitement for the following day – ones cup
overflows with joy. How can one tell it.

But what about the war, all the bombs for six years, the hardship, no
home for a while, no shoes, hardly any food? It makes no difference, for
the excitation and joys were still there. Can you imagine how wonderful
it is when somebody invited you into their house for cup of tea and a
sandwich?  All the front doors were open and we could just walk in.  
Can you imagine how wonderful it is when somebody gives you an old pair
of shoes?  One still woke up of a morning (if still alive) and was in
awe of the long shadows the early morning sun made across the street and
the excitement about getting out there and going on more adventures.
This stuff was not lacking amid the bombs, death, depravation, no, it
was there then just as it is there now. Never confuse the darkness of
the outer with the light of the inner. Don't let the darkness make
you dark. Don't let the world spoil your life.

So, which were the best bits?  None of it – all of it. But each
different in their own way, their own season, their own time. Why
measure the joys of a child against the joys of a man. It avails one
nothing to do so. It is the body that ages you know, not me and not
consciousness, and not the joy of being. These things don't age and
wrinkle up. One could also rightly say that when young it was also made
exciting by way of being all new and fresh and the road ahead was open
to one, and the adventure lay ahead in the unknown. But likewise can one
say from hindsight that the joy of reflection from hindsight is just as
good, if not even better, for one went down those open roads, did it, it
happened, one was there, tis done, not in the unknown of the future, one
KNOWS it, one has gnosis of it all because one was there.

Mystics are hypersensitive gits, young or old, it does not change.  And
it is this hyper sensitivity that permits one to feel such heights and
depths and this lets it all in to one and allows that excitation to be.
Not only does it revel the deeper senses but it also hones and sharpens
up the five external senses so that one sees more, hears more, smells
more, tastes more. This is the liberation of the five external senses,
and they are latent in everybody. You just have to use them, that is
all.  It all comes with package of our incarnate being. Why look a gift
horse in the mouth. Grab what life gives you and use it.

What bits would one like to go back and live through again?  None of it,
for it would be no better the second time around than it was the first.
But you can live through it all again by just remembering it. Any time
you want to. And when you do then you smile, and think, that was good.
But it is all learning for the digesting of. We live and learn. Life
incarnate is still evolving, changing, becoming the more that it can in
form in time and space. But our input to it is our contribution to it.
It does not need just a kiss and smile, it needs your backbone, your
work, swat tears and pain and all the muscles in your body and brain and
heart. IT needs YOU. That is the great lesson isn't it. IT needs US
to dance with IT and push it inward into the yet unknown. Don't tell
your children that they have been given LIFE, tell them that they ARE
LIFE, and a great wonder is Man. Know your self and then come to learn
that which you are NOT.  For that which you are NOT is what makes Man
that which he is and makes it worth living.

Have a good and useful life.

Dick Richardson

Exmoor West Somerset UK

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