WillyTex wrote:
>>> It is my understanding that MMY advised against 
>>> the use of AUM...
>>> Bhairitu:
>> There are Indian millionaires who use mantras with 
>> AUM...
> Hardly anybody on the planet meditates on 'AUM'. 

What part of "use mantras" did you not understand?
> But, 
> there must be millions of people that meditate on the 
> TM bija mantras - students of Mahesh Yogi, Sri Sri 
> Ravi Shankar, and the Deepak Chopra. There's what, 
> one or two millionaires in India that meditate on 
> AUM? 
> Most students of gurus in India meditate on the bija 
> mantra given to them by their teacher when they get 
> initiated. 

In this context bija mantra means guru mantra.  Not the same thing.
> The nonsense syllable AUM is something you read 
> about in yoga books or magazines. AUM is not esoteric 
> at all! AUM is NOT given out by a real tantric guru.

Oh? Tell us Sri Willy, what is a "real" tantric guru?
> Tantric gurus always intitiate with bija mantras - 
> AUM is for fakirs, not for adepts.

That might come as a surprise to many yogis in India.
> Everyone knows that the historical Buddha, Shakya 
> the Muni, did not teach the use of AUM - if Buddha 
> believed that uttering nonsense syllables would do 
> anything to relieve mankind from suffering, then I 
> guess he would have included them somewhere in the 
> 'Noble Eightfold Path', would he not?

I just asked my neighbor and he didn't know that.  So not everyone knows.

Mantras are resonance patterns.  Even that was clearly explained by MMY 
and we often spoke of that in the intro lectures we gave (and you 
didn't).  The sounds resonate and culture the nervous system to improve 
its functioning.

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