--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Joe" <geezerfr...@...> wrote:
> You said it: "According to this video". And just who, pray tell, is this all 
> knowing video god you believe in? You believe anything that lands in your 
> in-box don't you?
It was a text and slides video, not much different to writing an article. As to 
the author, I care more about the substance than knowing who the author was. In 
this case what I found most interesting were all the references to interests in 
communism. Even quoting Barack's own biography. I don't take all this as a slur 
on his character! One of my mentors is Scott Nearing who was a life long 
communist featured in the movie Reds. But the reference made to Obama not 
declaring using other names to Illinois Bar Assoc does seem to be dishonest. 

Why I find his interest in communism interesting as it is common for young 
people to be seekers, and certainly the ideal of socialist utopia does often 
inspire young people. As in the 1920's period portrayed in the movie Reds. The 
irony of hindsight is we now know their "heroes" of the Bolshevik Revolution 
were funded by the very bankers and elite they thought they were going to 
"liberate" the "workers of the world" from.

All of this seems highly relevant today. As we're having an economic crisis and 
mega scale environmental crisis that is really causing people to wonder what on 
earth is wrong with our economic system and what can make it better?

I heard Maharishi say in India, to the great interest of the audience, many who 
wrote this in their notes "Capitalism is useless. Communism is useless". I also 
heard he said when the USSR collapsed... "now it is the turn for Capitalism to 

Despite the awful nature of the Gulf crisis, and the economic woes, and serious 
sovereign debt I am very optimistic that something extraordinary is happening 
in the world right before our eyes that has the makings of a much better future 
for mankind.

The birther question which got my attention of late is just that- a question. 
Perhaps it's nothing - as most of you are saying. But I do think we're seeing 
an emergence of a new world here. And a lot of secrets are being exposed. Even 
in the main stream media. Which is what interested me in the drugs and Wachovia 
story in Bloomberg. 

I tend to be skeptical of the MSM in my search for the truth. I do find the 
Norman Dodd testimony one of the most important whistleblowers in recent US 
history. If 55 mins is too long for you... there is a transcript of the 
interview here: http://supremelaw.org/authors/dodd/interview.htm

It begins with this:

Alan Gaither was, at that time, President of the Ford Foundation.  Mr. Gaither 
had sent for me when I found it convenient to be in New York, asked me to call 
upon him at his office, which I did.  On arrival, after a few amenities, Mr. 
Gaither said, "Mr. Dodd, we have asked you to come up here today because we 
thought that, possibly, off the record, you would tell us why the Congress is 
interested in the activities of foundations such as ourselves."
Before I could think of how I would reply to that statement, Mr. Gaither then 
went on to say, "Mr. Dodd, all of us who have a hand in the making of policies 
here, have had experience operating under directives, the substance of which 
is, that we use our grant-making power so as to alter life in the United States 
that it can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union."

Hence my interest in Obama's youthful flirtation with communism.  I have great 
hope that this "purification" we're seeing in the world is an emerging new 
truth, and it will transcend the apparent opposites of left v right in politics.

We're moving outside the "box" of the past and into something much better...

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