--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "yifuxero" <yifux...@...> wrote:
> right, makes me wonder....(since if one is merely interested in 
> wine-tasting, looking at the Babes, conversing with friends, 
> etc; not that I'm dissing such enterprises "in themselves"); 
> and is posting on a forum oriented toward Spiritual stuff, 
> why not access the wine-tasting forum?

Please explain why wine tasting and looking at babes
are NOT spiritual. I'll wait.  :-)

My point was that Fairfield Life is *not* a forum
oriented toward "Spiritual Stuff." It just likes
to think of itself that way. A consistent theme 
here, especially among the TBs of one spiritual
trip or another, is how much better or more evolved
they are than the rabble. I am merely making the
point that -- based on their everyday behavior and
the things they focus on -- the people saying this 
*are* the very rabble they think they're better than.

They focus on the exact same things -- glomming onto
and obsessing on celebrities (there is no difference
between "spiritual celebrities" and "Hollywood celeb-
rities" in my opinion), glomming onto and presenting
as if they were Truth nutcase theories and conspiracies,
acting as if they just can't *wait* to play "pile on" 
to someone who does something they consider "wrong." 
And their interactions with each other are almost 
entirely limited to ego-battles and an attempt to 
claim, "My beliefs about X are better than your 
beliefs about X, and *much* better than your belief 
in Y. So there...nyaaah nyaaah."  

The fascinating thing is that there is a characteristic
behavior on "spiritual forums" that one sees *more*
there than one sees it in the tabloids. In the tabloids,
people whose mere IDEAS have been challenged don't on
the whole lash out at the challenger *as if they had 
been attacked personally*, as if the challenger must 
be "made to pay" for the "attack," and as if it is
assumed that everyone who also believes in the IDEA
that has been challenged should "pile on" and assist
in dissing the challenger. Here it happens so often 
that people have stopped noticing it. When someone such 
as myself points out this systematic behavior, the 
dissing gets focused on them. 

Just look at some of the reactions yesterday to me doing
nothing more than suggesting that FFL was more like a 
tabloid than a "spiritual forum." I contend that this
is due to attachment to ideas and concepts (in this case,
the idea that "We are special, not like the rabble") and 
*an inability to tell the difference* between a challenge 
to the idea and a challenge to one's self. 

If I were to try to imagine a real "spiritual forum,"
it would be one in which people could react to a chal-
lenge to their most cherished belief in an IDEA by
discussing the IDEA calmly and dispassionately, not 
1) mindlessly dissing the challenger, and 2) feeling 
that the dissing was not only "deserved," but itself 
somehow "spiritual." 

I have not yet found such a forum on the Internet.
This leads me to believe that whatever the *claims*
of the various spiritual groups or traditions repre-
sented on the various forums about how the IDEAS that
they identify with have "changed" them and lifted
them above the rabble, the *claims* don't seem to
work out on the level of behavior. Their behavior
is still rabble behavior. 

Anyone who wishes to disprove my contention can do
so easily, by discussing IDEAS as what they are --
IDEAS. Not "Truth" that needs to be "defended,"
just IDEAS. *That* would be "spiritual" IMO. 

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